Hauling gear around a NANOG meeting
(too old to reply)
2008-05-22 18:01:00 UTC
Looking for some advice for a first-timer.
What are your recommendation regarding gear?
- the whole normal kit&caboodle, wheeled backpack thing
Personally, I'd go with the latter. I've done it all, from backpack
(that'll start to be a nuisance, trust me) to laptop only, to a small
square cart thing (I don't remember what they're called) that I could
dump the laptop and various stuffs in.

My current bag is swiss army (I *love* it), can hold two laptops if
necessary (and I've been there), and whatever else I think I might need,
depending on the conference/meeting/work assignment that I'm involved
with. I even carry a tool set, for stuffing in checked luggage when
flying, and patch cables, but for you, that's probably overkill.

One of the things that makes me popular is that I carry a PowerSquid
(one of the best inventions *evaire*), just in case.

The case is easier on your back, has nice handles, and even a shoulder
strap, if you need them, has pockets and compartments forever, and fits
in the overhead. I think it's called a Victorinox.
Die Gedanken sind frei
2008-05-22 18:42:04 UTC
Please note that Internet Week NY coincides with the NANOG meet.

Some events may be of interest: http://www.internetweekny.com/schedule/list

Joly MacFie

