Problems sending mail to yahoo?
(too old to reply)
Jared Mauch
2008-04-10 17:58:36 UTC
On Thu, Apr 10, 2008 at 01:30:06PM -0400, Barry Shein wrote:
> Is it just us or are there general problems with sending email to
> yahoo in the past few weeks? Our queues to them are backed up though
> they drain slowly.
> They frequently return:
> 421 4.7.0 [TS01] Messages from MAILSERVERIP temporarily deferred due to user complaints -; see http://postmaster.yahoo.com/421-ts01.html
> (where MAILSERVERIP is one of our mail server ip addresses)
> Yes I followed the link and filled out the form but after several days
> no response or change.

I had a similar problem recently and found someone at yahoo who
would tweak things so I was no longer getting delayed. The problem is
dumb users reporting list mail as spam in an attempt to unsubscribe.
This is common with a few mail services but the first time I personally
was impacted as I tend to run a nice clean 'ship'.

I do wish that the mail providers would do a better job of
warning people what is happening, why and give some warning. I have
400+ unique yahoo accounts that get list mail so short of sending them
all email saying they're idiots you have to wait for them to tweak their
delays. Worst part is if the lists are active you can quickly end up
with thousands of queued messages making it harder to clear the queue.

- Jared

Jared Mauch | pgp key available via finger from ***@puck.nether.net
clue++; | http://puck.nether.net/~jared/ My statements are only mine.
Mike Lewinski
2008-04-10 18:10:06 UTC
Barry Shein wrote:
> Is it just us or are there general problems with sending email to
> yahoo in the past few weeks? Our queues to them are backed up though
> they drain slowly.

I know that Yahoo does greylisting, and we often have a large queue
backup as a result of mailing lists with a lot of @yahoo.com addresses.
As long as you keep retrying I find that they do eventually get through.

Between greylisting and sender callback verification, it seems that
overall email delivery is increasing in latency and decreasing in
Eric Esslinger
2008-04-10 21:50:44 UTC
Edward B. DREGER wrote:
> FB> Date: Thu, 10 Apr 2008 13:48:52 -0500
> FB> From: Frank Bulk
> FB> Q> Does Yahoo! use "greylisting" to reject messages?
> FB> A> No.
> FB>
> FB> http://help.yahoo.com/l/us/yahoo/mail/postmaster/postmaster-05.html
> First-hand observations trump claims.
> Eddy
> --
> Everquick Internet - http://www.everquick.net/
> A division of Brotsman & Dreger, Inc. - http://www.brotsman.com/
> Bandwidth, consulting, e-commerce, hosting, and network building
> Phone: +1 785 865 5885 Lawrence and [inter]national
> Phone: +1 316 794 8922 Wichita
> ________________________________________________________________________
> DO NOT send mail to the following addresses:
> ***@brics.com -*- ***@intc.net -*- ***@everquick.net
> Sending mail to spambait addresses is a great way to get blocked.
> Ditto for broken OOO autoresponders and foolish AV software backscatter.
I see this 'not greylisting' and we are a fairly tiny operation (I had
about 20k outbound emails last week) and don't allow people to
autoforward email from our servers. I find that yahoo.com destined mail
stays in the queue for about 48 hours, with a 1,1,2,4,4,4,4,etc... hour

As I tend to peak at a couple of hundred mail in the queue when things
get busy, it's not a problem, but can see where it would be for larger

Eric Esslinger
Information Services Manager
Fayetteville Public Utilities
Fayetteville, TN 37334
Phone: 931-433-1522x165 Fax: 931-433-0646
Mike Lewinski
2008-04-10 19:43:15 UTC
Frank Bulk wrote:
> Q> Does Yahoo! use "greylisting" to reject messages?
> A> No.
> The most commonly understood form of "greylisting" is where an
> SMTP server will reject every message the first time it is
> attempted, and then accept it if the sending server retries
> later. The theory is that spammers won't retry messages, while
> legitimate senders will.
> Yahoo! does not utilize this method.
> http://help.yahoo.com/l/us/yahoo/mail/postmaster/postmaster-05.html

Whatever they call it is immaterial. The end result to our system is
indistinguishable from real greylisting. Perhaps there's a tiny fraction
that aren't ever deferred, but in general I find the majority of our
queue is destined to @yahoo.com addresses.

I think I'll followup on the other posters ideas of:

1) Implementing a separate outbound gateway just for yahoo.com
2) Advising users to switch to gmail.
Edward B. DREGER
2008-04-10 20:40:13 UTC
FB> Date: Thu, 10 Apr 2008 13:48:52 -0500
FB> From: Frank Bulk

FB> Q> Does Yahoo! use "greylisting" to reject messages?
FB> A> No.
FB> http://help.yahoo.com/l/us/yahoo/mail/postmaster/postmaster-05.html

First-hand observations trump claims.

Everquick Internet - http://www.everquick.net/
A division of Brotsman & Dreger, Inc. - http://www.brotsman.com/
Bandwidth, consulting, e-commerce, hosting, and network building
Phone: +1 785 865 5885 Lawrence and [inter]national
Phone: +1 316 794 8922 Wichita
DO NOT send mail to the following addresses:
***@brics.com -*- ***@intc.net -*- ***@everquick.net
Sending mail to spambait addresses is a great way to get blocked.
Ditto for broken OOO autoresponders and foolish AV software backscatter.
2008-04-11 05:07:09 UTC
On Thu, 10 Apr 2008 13:48:52 CDT, Frank Bulk said:
> Q> Does Yahoo! use "greylisting" to reject messages?
> A> No.
> The most commonly understood form of "greylisting" is where an
> SMTP server will reject every message the first time it is
> attempted, and then accept it if the sending server retries
> later. The theory is that spammers won't retry messages, while
> legitimate senders will.
> Yahoo! does not utilize this method.

"Spamming^WGreylisting is that which we do not do..."

(And the word^Wword above caused my spell checker to (quite rightly) flag it,
but I have *no* idea why 'Creosoting' was the suggested replacement. Though
the idea *does* sound tempting...)
Frank Bulk
2008-04-10 18:48:52 UTC
Q> Does Yahoo! use "greylisting" to reject messages?

A> No.
The most commonly understood form of "greylisting" is where an
SMTP server will reject every message the first time it is
attempted, and then accept it if the sending server retries
later. The theory is that spammers won't retry messages, while
legitimate senders will.

Yahoo! does not utilize this method.


-----Original Message-----
From: owner-***@merit.edu [mailto:owner-***@merit.edu] On Behalf Of Mike
Sent: Thursday, April 10, 2008 1:10 PM
To: ***@nanog.org
Subject: Re: Problems sending mail to yahoo?

Barry Shein wrote:
> Is it just us or are there general problems with sending email to
> yahoo in the past few weeks? Our queues to them are backed up though
> they drain slowly.

I know that Yahoo does greylisting, and we often have a large queue
backup as a result of mailing lists with a lot of @yahoo.com addresses.
As long as you keep retrying I find that they do eventually get through.

Between greylisting and sender callback verification, it seems that
overall email delivery is increasing in latency and decreasing in
Chris Stone
2008-04-10 17:49:13 UTC
Barry Shein wrote:
> Is it just us or are there general problems with sending email to
> yahoo in the past few weeks? Our queues to them are backed up though
> they drain slowly.
> They frequently return:
> 421 4.7.0 [TS01] Messages from MAILSERVERIP temporarily deferred due to user complaints -; see http://postmaster.yahoo.com/421-ts01.html
> (where MAILSERVERIP is one of our mail server ip addresses)
> Just wondering if this was a widespread problem or are we just so
> blessed, and any insights into what's going on over there.

I see this a lot also and what I see causing it is accounts on my servers
that don't opt for spam filtering and they have their accounts here set to
forward mail to their yahoo.com accounts - spam and everything then gets
sent there - they complain to yahoo.com about the spam and bingo - email
delays from here to yahoo.com accounts....


- --------------------------------------------------------------------
Chris Stone, MCSE
Vice President, CTO
AxisInternet, Inc.
910 16th St., Suite 1110, Denver, CO 80202
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
PH 303.592.AXIS x302 - 866.317.AXIS | FAX 303.893.AXIS
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
***@axint.net | www.axint.net
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
Raymond L. Corbin
2008-04-10 19:28:17 UTC

I have had to tell some dedicated server clients that they will need to disable their forwards to Yahoo or add something like postini for those accounts that forward to Yahoo...It generally works...however Yahoo! for the past three months is now blocking entire /24's if a few IP's get complaints. They have the feedback loops however when you have a network with 175,000 IP addresses and you sign up for a feedback loop for them all they tend to flood your abuse desk with false positives, or forwarded spam. They also don't keep track of which IP's are getting the complaints for you to investigate after the block on the /24 so asking them won't help :(. This potentially means one customer could easily effect the other customer. They offer whitelisting, but this won't get you passed their blocks on the entire /24. They apparently will eventually accept the message because they aren't necessarily 'blocked' but they are 'depriortized' meaning they don't believe your IP is important enough to deliver the message at that time, so they want you to keep trying and when their servers are not 'busy' or 'over loaded' they will accept the message. (Paraphrased from conversations with their 'Bulk Mail Advocacies and Anti-Abuse manager.)


-----Original Message-----
From: owner-***@merit.edu [mailto:owner-***@merit.edu] On Behalf Of Chris Stone
Sent: Thursday, April 10, 2008 1:49 PM
To: ***@merit.edu
Subject: Re: Problems sending mail to yahoo?

Hash: SHA512

Barry Shein wrote:
> Is it just us or are there general problems with sending email to
> yahoo in the past few weeks? Our queues to them are backed up though
> they drain slowly.
> They frequently return:
> 421 4.7.0 [TS01] Messages from MAILSERVERIP temporarily deferred due to user complaints -; see http://postmaster.yahoo.com/421-ts01.html
> (where MAILSERVERIP is one of our mail server ip addresses)
> Just wondering if this was a widespread problem or are we just so
> blessed, and any insights into what's going on over there.

I see this a lot also and what I see causing it is accounts on my servers
that don't opt for spam filtering and they have their accounts here set to
forward mail to their yahoo.com accounts - spam and everything then gets
sent there - they complain to yahoo.com about the spam and bingo - email
delays from here to yahoo.com accounts....


- --------------------------------------------------------------------
Chris Stone, MCSE
Vice President, CTO
AxisInternet, Inc.
910 16th St., Suite 1110, Denver, CO 80202
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
PH 303.592.AXIS x302 - 866.317.AXIS | FAX 303.893.AXIS
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
***@axint.net | www.axint.net
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
Chris Stone
2008-04-10 20:07:45 UTC
Raymond L. Corbin wrote:
> Yeah, but without them saying which IP's are causing the problems you can't really tell which servers in a datacenter are forwarding their spam/abusing Yahoo. Once the /24 block is in place then they claim to have no way of knowing who actually caused the block on the /24. The feedback loop would help depending on your network size. When you have a few hundred thousand clients, and those clients have clients, and they even have client, it simply floods your abuse desk with complaints from Yahoo when it is obviously forwarded spam. So it's more of pick your poison deal with customer complaints about not being able to send to yahoo for a few days or get your abuse desk flooded with complaints which hinders solving actual issues like compromised accounts.

I look at all my mail server log files and see which logs show obvious spam
being forwarded (a lot of times the MAIL FROM address is a dead giveaway) or
I tail -F the mail log for a bit and watch the spam coming in and forwarding
back out. When I see the forwarding domain that's who I have contacted to
upsell some spam filtering. But, we're a small ISP, so I don't have
thousands, let alone hundreds of thousands of clients, to deal with...

Raymond L. Corbin
2008-04-10 20:21:04 UTC
In a large multi-datacenter environment you can't login to each users servers and tail their logs to see who's forwarding :( .

I'm more of a windows person, but when working with a client on Linux using EXIM I think I did

fgrep yahoo.com /etc/valiases/* > yahoo-fwds.txt

Something like that to get a list of all of the addresses that forward to Yahoo...I think they used CPanel on their server too. Other then that I believe I was grepping through other clients logs for the most popular Yahoo email addresses...

I think that if they are going to do CIDR blocks they should at least keep logs as to what caused them to escalate it to that not simply say 'it's your network you figure it out..'


-----Original Message-----
From: Chris Stone [mailto:***@axint.net]
Sent: Thursday, April 10, 2008 4:08 PM
To: Raymond L. Corbin
Cc: ***@merit.edu
Subject: Re: Problems sending mail to yahoo?

Hash: SHA512

Raymond L. Corbin wrote:
> Yeah, but without them saying which IP's are causing the problems you can't really tell which servers in a datacenter are forwarding their spam/abusing Yahoo. Once the /24 block is in place then they claim to have no way of knowing who actually caused the block on the /24. The feedback loop would help depending on your network size. When you have a few hundred thousand clients, and those clients have clients, and they even have client, it simply floods your abuse desk with complaints from Yahoo when it is obviously forwarded spam. So it's more of pick your poison deal with customer complaints about not being able to send to yahoo for a few days or get your abuse desk flooded with complaints which hinders solving actual issues like compromised accounts.

I look at all my mail server log files and see which logs show obvious spam
being forwarded (a lot of times the MAIL FROM address is a dead giveaway) or
I tail -F the mail log for a bit and watch the spam coming in and forwarding
back out. When I see the forwarding domain that's who I have contacted to
upsell some spam filtering. But, we're a small ISP, so I don't have
thousands, let alone hundreds of thousands of clients, to deal with...

Chris Stone
2008-04-10 19:33:20 UTC
Raymond L. Corbin wrote:
> Hello,
> I have had to tell some dedicated server clients that they will need to disable their forwards to Yahoo or add something like postini for those accounts that forward to Yahoo...It generally works...however Yahoo! for the past three months is now blocking entire /24's if a few IP's get complaints. They have the feedback loops however when you have a network with 175,000 IP addresses and you sign up for a feedback loop for them all they tend to flood your abuse desk with false positives, or forwarded spam. They also don't keep track of which IP's are getting the complaints for you to investigate after the block on the /24 so asking them won't help :(. This potentially means one customer could easily effect the other customer. They offer whitelisting, but this won't get you passed their blocks on the entire /24. They apparently will eventually accept the message because they aren't necessarily 'blocked' but they are 'depriortized' meaning they don't believe your IP is importan
t enough to deliver the message at that time, so they want you to keep trying and when their servers are not 'busy' or 'over loaded' they will accept the message. (Paraphrased from conversations with their 'Bulk Mail Advocacies and Anti-Abuse manager.)

I've had to tell some of our customers the same and that if they wanted to
continue the forwarding to their yahoo.com accounts, they'd need to add spam
filtering to their accounts here so that the crap is not forwarded,
resulting in the email delays for all customers. Works for some and
generated more revenue.... ;-)

Raymond L. Corbin
2008-04-10 19:52:39 UTC
Yeah, but without them saying which IP's are causing the problems you can't really tell which servers in a datacenter are forwarding their spam/abusing Yahoo. Once the /24 block is in place then they claim to have no way of knowing who actually caused the block on the /24. The feedback loop would help depending on your network size. When you have a few hundred thousand clients, and those clients have clients, and they even have client, it simply floods your abuse desk with complaints from Yahoo when it is obviously forwarded spam. So it's more of pick your poison deal with customer complaints about not being able to send to yahoo for a few days or get your abuse desk flooded with complaints which hinders solving actual issues like compromised accounts.


-----Original Message-----
From: Chris Stone [mailto:***@axint.net]
Sent: Thursday, April 10, 2008 3:33 PM
To: Raymond L. Corbin
Cc: ***@merit.edu
Subject: Re: Problems sending mail to yahoo?

Hash: SHA512

Raymond L. Corbin wrote:
> Hello,
> I have had to tell some dedicated server clients that they will need to disable their forwards to Yahoo or add something like postini for those accounts that forward to Yahoo...It generally works...however Yahoo! for the past three months is now blocking entire /24's if a few IP's get complaints. They have the feedback loops however when you have a network with 175,000 IP addresses and you sign up for a feedback loop for them all they tend to flood your abuse desk with false positives, or forwarded spam. They also don't keep track of which IP's are getting the complaints for you to investigate after the block on the /24 so asking them won't help :(. This potentially means one customer could easily effect the other customer. They offer whitelisting, but this won't get you passed their blocks on the entire /24. They apparently will eventually accept the message because they aren't necessarily 'blocked' but they are 'depriortized' meaning they don't believe your IP is importan
t enough to deliver the message at that time, so they want you to keep trying and when their servers are not 'busy' or 'over loaded' they will accept the message. (Paraphrased from conversations with their 'Bulk Mail Advocacies and Anti-Abuse manager.)

I've had to tell some of our customers the same and that if they wanted to
continue the forwarding to their yahoo.com accounts, they'd need to add spam
filtering to their accounts here so that the crap is not forwarded,
resulting in the email delays for all customers. Works for some and
generated more revenue.... ;-)

Chris Owen
2008-04-10 19:40:36 UTC
On Apr 10, 2008, at 1:35 PM, Jeff Shultz wrote:

> This thread got me checking logs and I just spotted several of those
> "deferred due to user complaints" tags. And compared to them, we're
> tiny. Don't know if it's widespread, but it appears you are not the
> only one so blessed.

We've seen this before too but this week it has been different. Every
single host that relays email on our network has these in the queue.
Now a couple of them do mailing lists and such so I could see it
happening but a couple of them don't do anything high volume at all.

For some of them some mail goes through but only some of the time. It
seems like if we hit the right MX machine it works and other times it
does not.

We tried going around them by sending mail over to an employee's
personal mail server (which does nearly no volume at all) but even it
is blocked probably 1/2 the time.

I'm not sure what is going on but given all this I can't believe it is
just "normal".

We filled out one of those forms but just got back a response that
said it wasn't happening but if it was we should see their "best
practices" URL. Only problem is we actually do everything on their
list (including both DomainKeys and DKIM).


Chris Owen ~ Garden City (620) 275-1900 ~ Lottery (noun):
President ~ Wichita (316) 858-3000 ~ A stupidity tax
Hubris Communications Inc www.hubris.net
Edward B. DREGER
2008-04-10 21:42:15 UTC
HY> Date: Thu, 10 Apr 2008 16:17:08 -0400
HY> From: Henry Yen

HY> Naaah. I hear that Microsoft is going to buy Yahoo!, so this
HY> problem will go away once Yahoo! mail gets folded into Microsoft
HY> hotmail, whereupon things will get soooooo much better!

Maybe all the 42x responses are an attempt to cut load while migrating
things onto Exchange. ;-)

Everquick Internet - http://www.everquick.net/
A division of Brotsman & Dreger, Inc. - http://www.brotsman.com/
Bandwidth, consulting, e-commerce, hosting, and network building
Phone: +1 785 865 5885 Lawrence and [inter]national
Phone: +1 316 794 8922 Wichita
DO NOT send mail to the following addresses:
***@brics.com -*- ***@intc.net -*- ***@everquick.net
Sending mail to spambait addresses is a great way to get blocked.
Ditto for broken OOO autoresponders and foolish AV software backscatter.
Rob Szarka
2008-04-11 03:58:05 UTC
At 02:23 PM 4/10/2008, you wrote:
>Maybe we all should do the same to them until they quit spewing out all the
>Nigerian scams and the like that I've been seeing from their servers lately!

If there were an coordinated boycott, I would participate. Yahoo is
*by far* the worst single abuser of our server among the "legitimate"
email providers.

I report dozens of spams from my personal account alone every day and
never receive anything other than automated messages claiming to have
dealt with the same abuse that continues around the clock or, worse,
bogus/clueless claims that the IP in question is not theirs and
suggestions that I check the same ARIN database that I used to
confirm the responsible party in the first place. Until I read this
thread, my suspicion was that all my spam reports were triggering the
4xx delays, and I'm still not sure that's not the case. (I only have
one customer forwarding to yahoo.com, and that's post-filters.)
Naturally, they delay mail to ***@yahoo.com the same as any other mail.

And, yes, I've tried to reach a human there. The only humans I ever
reached briskly forwarded me to voice mail hell for customer support.

So, I will start sending 5XX or 4XX messages to Yahoo if you guys
will. I don't care if I have to spend all day on the phone with my
customers explaining why. They hate spam, too, and they'll understand.
Joe Abley
2008-04-11 14:22:11 UTC
On 10 Apr 2008, at 23:58 , Rob Szarka wrote:

> At 02:23 PM 4/10/2008, you wrote:
>> Maybe we all should do the same to them until they quit spewing out
>> all the
>> Nigerian scams and the like that I've been seeing from their
>> servers lately!
> If there were an coordinated boycott, I would participate. Yahoo is
> *by far* the worst single abuser of our server among the
> "legitimate" email providers.

Having done my own share of small-scale banging-of-heads-against-yahoo
recently, the thing that surprised me was how many people with non-
yahoo addresses had their mail handled by yahoo. It turns out that if
Y! doesn't want to receive mail from me, suddenly I can't send mail to
anybody in my extended family, or to most people I know in the town
where I live. These involve domains like ROGERS.COM and
BTINTERNET.COM, and not just the obvious Y! domains.

In my more paranoid moments I have wondered how big a market share Y!
now has in personal e-mail, given the number of large cable/telcos who
have outsourced mail handling to them for their residential products.
Once you pass a certain threshold, the fact that Y! subscribers are
the only people who can reliably deliver mail to other Y! subscribers
provides a competitive advantage and a sales hook to make the resi
mail empire even larger. At that point it makes no sense for Y! to
expend effort to accept *more* mail from subscribers of other services.

To return to the topic at hand, you may already have outsourced the
coordination of your boycott to Yahoo!, too! They're already not
accepting your mail. There's no need to stop sending it! :-)

Rob Szarka
2008-04-11 16:04:51 UTC
At 10:22 AM 4/11/2008, Joe Abley wrote:
>It turns out that if Y! doesn't want to receive mail from me,
>suddenly I can't send mail to anybody in my extended family, or to
>most people I know in the town where I live. These involve domains
>like ROGERS.COM and BTINTERNET.COM, and not just the obvious Y! domains.

Good point. I think this also includes AT&T/SBC/SNET in some fashion
(with which many of my customers have been having different problems
this week).

>To return to the topic at hand, you may already have outsourced the
>coordination of your boycott to Yahoo!, too! They're already not
>accepting your mail. There's no need to stop sending it! :-)

Yes, but it's the flow of mail (spam) *from* them I'm worried about...
Edward B. DREGER
2008-04-11 19:44:24 UTC
JA> Date: Fri, 11 Apr 2008 10:22:11 -0400
JA> From: Joe Abley

JA> To return to the topic at hand, you may already have outsourced the
JA> coordination of your boycott to Yahoo!, too! They're already not
JA> accepting your mail. There's no need to stop sending it! :-)

Except for queue management. I just got off the phone with one client
who requested precisely: "Can you just have [the servers] refuse to
send mail to Yahoo?"

Everquick Internet - http://www.everquick.net/
A division of Brotsman & Dreger, Inc. - http://www.brotsman.com/
Bandwidth, consulting, e-commerce, hosting, and network building
Phone: +1 785 865 5885 Lawrence and [inter]national
Phone: +1 316 794 8922 Wichita
DO NOT send mail to the following addresses:
***@brics.com -*- ***@intc.net -*- ***@everquick.net
Sending mail to spambait addresses is a great way to get blocked.
Ditto for broken OOO autoresponders and foolish AV software backscatter.
Frank Bulk - iNAME
2008-04-12 20:42:29 UTC
Sounds like the obvious thing to tell customers complaining about their
e-mail not getting to Yahoo! is to tell them that Yahoo! doesn't want it.


-----Original Message-----
From: owner-***@merit.edu [mailto:owner-***@merit.edu] On Behalf Of
Edward B. DREGER
Sent: Friday, April 11, 2008 2:44 PM
To: ***@merit.edu
Subject: Re: Problems sending mail to yahoo?

JA> Date: Fri, 11 Apr 2008 10:22:11 -0400
JA> From: Joe Abley

JA> To return to the topic at hand, you may already have outsourced the
JA> coordination of your boycott to Yahoo!, too! They're already not
JA> accepting your mail. There's no need to stop sending it! :-)

Except for queue management. I just got off the phone with one client
who requested precisely: "Can you just have [the servers] refuse to
send mail to Yahoo?"

Everquick Internet - http://www.everquick.net/
A division of Brotsman & Dreger, Inc. - http://www.brotsman.com/
Bandwidth, consulting, e-commerce, hosting, and network building
Phone: +1 785 865 5885 Lawrence and [inter]national
Phone: +1 316 794 8922 Wichita
DO NOT send mail to the following addresses:
***@brics.com -*- ***@intc.net -*- ***@everquick.net
Sending mail to spambait addresses is a great way to get blocked.
Ditto for broken OOO autoresponders and foolish AV software backscatter.
Edward B. DREGER
2008-04-13 23:52:26 UTC
FBi> Date: Sat, 12 Apr 2008 15:42:29 -0500
FBi> From: Frank Bulk - iNAME

FBi> Sounds like the obvious thing to tell customers complaining about
FBi> their e-mail not getting to Yahoo! is to tell them that Yahoo!
FBi> doesn't want it.

Obviously. That's when the client asked if their servers (perhaps I
should have been more clear) could be configured not even to attempt
sending mail to Yahoo.

"If it's not going to get there, anyway, can we just block it when it's

Everquick Internet - http://www.everquick.net/
A division of Brotsman & Dreger, Inc. - http://www.brotsman.com/
Bandwidth, consulting, e-commerce, hosting, and network building
Phone: +1 785 865 5885 Lawrence and [inter]national
Phone: +1 316 794 8922 Wichita
DO NOT send mail to the following addresses:
***@brics.com -*- ***@intc.net -*- ***@everquick.net
Sending mail to spambait addresses is a great way to get blocked.
Ditto for broken OOO autoresponders and foolish AV software backscatter.
Barry Shein
2008-04-11 21:04:09 UTC
The lesson one should get from all this is that the ultimate harm of
spammers et al is that they are succeeding in corrupting the idea of a
standards-based internet.

Sites invent policies to try to survive in a deluge of spam and
implement those policies in software.

Usually they're loathe to even speak about how any of it works either
for fear that disclosure will help spammers get around the software or
fear that someone, maybe a customer maybe a litigious marketeer who
feels unfairly excluded, will hold their feet to the fire.

So it's a vast sea of security by obscurity and standards be damned.

It's a real and serious failure of the IETF et al.

P.S. Anyone else getting hit by sales calls for DDoS appliances and
other salespeople as a result of this thread?

This fishing in NANOG waters by salespeople is irritating and a good
reason not to do business with these companies.

I don't take my time to post on NANOG to invite a deluge of sales

-Barry Shein

The World | ***@TheWorld.com | http://www.TheWorld.com
Purveyors to the Trade | Voice: 800-THE-WRLD | Login: Nationwide
Software Tool & Die | Public Access Internet | SINCE 1989 *oo*
Martin Hannigan
2008-04-11 21:39:51 UTC
> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-***@merit.edu [mailto:owner-***@merit.edu] On Behalf
> Barry Shein
> Sent: Friday, April 11, 2008 5:04 PM
> To: ***@merit.edu
> Subject: Re: Problems sending mail to yahoo?
> The lesson one should get from all this is that the ultimate harm of
> spammers et al is that they are succeeding in corrupting the idea of a
> standards-based internet.
> Sites invent policies to try to survive in a deluge of spam and
> implement those policies in software.
> Usually they're loathe to even speak about how any of it works either
> for fear that disclosure will help spammers get around the software or
> fear that someone, maybe a customer maybe a litigious marketeer who
> feels unfairly excluded, will hold their feet to the fire.
> So it's a vast sea of security by obscurity and standards be damned.
> It's a real and serious failure of the IETF et al.

Has anyone ever figured out what percentage of a connection to the
internet is now overhead i.e. spam, scan, viruses, etc? More than 5%? If
we put everyone behind 4to6 gateways would the spam crush the gateways
or would the gateways stop the spam? Would we add code to these
transitional gateways to make them do more than act like protocol
converters and then end up making them permanent because of "benefit"?
Perhaps there's more to transitioning to a new technology after all?
Maybe we could get rid of some of the cruft and right a few wrongs while
we're at it?

> P.S. Anyone else getting hit by sales calls for DDoS appliances and
> other salespeople as a result of this thread?
> This fishing in NANOG waters by salespeople is irritating and a good
> reason not to do business with these companies.
> I don't take my time to post on NANOG to invite a deluge of sales
> calls.

<nanog admin>

If we catch them, we'll act. We added some language related to that to
the new AUP and have been able to act on it as a result.

</nanog admin>

Martin Hannigan http://www.verneglobal.com/
Verne Global Datacenters e: ***@verneglobal.com
Keflavik, Iceland p: +16178216079
Suresh Ramasubramanian
2008-04-12 02:23:16 UTC
On Sat, Apr 12, 2008 at 2:34 AM, Barry Shein <***@world.std.com> wrote:
> The lesson one should get from all this is that the ultimate harm of
> spammers et al is that they are succeeding in corrupting the idea of a
> standards-based internet.

The lesson here is that different groups at the same ISPs go to different places

Packet pushers go to *NOG. And the abuse desks mostly all go to
MAAWG. And any CERTs / security types the ISP has go to FIRST and
related events. And most of them never do coordinate internally, run
by different groups probably in different cities ...

Randy Bush
2008-04-12 03:32:31 UTC
Suresh Ramasubramanian wrote:
> On Sat, Apr 12, 2008 at 2:34 AM, Barry Shein <***@world.std.com>
> wrote:
>> The lesson one should get from all this is that the ultimate harm
>> of spammers et al is that they are succeeding in corrupting the
>> idea of a standards-based internet.

huh? i think that, with their attacks, they are actually helping to
drive improvements in the standards. of course, the disfunction of
the standards organizations does not make this as clean a process and as
much of a win as it could be. but considering that security was not
very thoroughly designed in the original standards, we're not doing all
that badly. it's always gonna be a chase.

> The lesson here is that different groups at the same ISPs go to
> different places

i am not sure that is so much a lesson as an observation. the lesson
may be, in part, that this is sub-optimal. can it be changed? how?

> Packet pushers go to *NOG. And the abuse desks mostly all go to
> MAAWG. And any CERTs / security types the ISP has go to FIRST and
> related events. And most of them never do coordinate internally, run
> by different groups probably in different cities ...

"dear coo/ceo/whomever: i want approval to send the five folk who go to
nanog, and the five folk who go to maawg, and the five folk who go to
first to *all* go to the new frobnitz joint conference."

think that'll fly?

otoh, being on the frobnitz program committee would be an interesting
lesson and exercise in industry physics.

when i first joined acm ('67), i could keep up with a significant
portion of the literature. now i maybe see a single digit percentage.
the field has broadened. the ops and other applied areas have similarly
broadened and specialized. we are victims of our own success.

Suresh Ramasubramanian
2008-04-12 03:38:36 UTC
On Sat, Apr 12, 2008 at 9:02 AM, Randy Bush <***@psg.com> wrote:
> > Packet pushers go to *NOG. And the abuse desks mostly all go to
> > MAAWG. And any CERTs / security types the ISP has go to FIRST and
> > related events. And most of them never do coordinate internally, run
> > by different groups probably in different cities ...
> "dear coo/ceo/whomever: i want approval to send the five folk who go to
> nanog, and the five folk who go to maawg, and the five folk who go to
> first to *all* go to the new frobnitz joint conference."

Collocation would be a useful idea - save airfare, hotel etc.

I had this lovely little experience where the lead CERT guy at ISP X
was talking about a particular trojan that was hitting his ISP, and
was hitting [ISP Y] and hitting [ISP Z]. He says "I saw these
trojans hitting ISPs Y and Z but didnt know anybody there".

If he'd just bothered to step across the hall and talk to his
colleagues at ISP X's abuse desk.. they are, and have been for years,
in regular contact with their counterparts at Y and Z - email, face to
face, phone, IM etc.

> otoh, being on the frobnitz program committee would be an interesting
> lesson and exercise in industry physics.

You think there's not enough convergence + shared interests in such programs?

I mean, abuse + security teams could care less about MPLS and peering,
but there is a lot they're discussing (walled gardens, botnet
mitigation etc) that does get discussed in far better detail at nanog.
Or at FIRST.

Randy Bush
2008-04-12 04:35:50 UTC
[ should this move to nanog-futures? well, it's a quiet saturday ]

> Collocation would be a useful idea - save airfare, hotel etc.

immensely difficult. the nanog sc could not even get the nanog
administrative structure to avoid a direct and damaging conflict with
afnog for the next meeting. if successful, it will have taken over two
years of work to get a meeting in the dominican republic. ...

not that this might not be worth trying. just that it is extremely far
from simple.

>> otoh, being on the frobnitz program committee would be an interesting
>> lesson and exercise in industry physics.
> You think there's not enough convergence + shared interests in such
> programs?

different question. what i meant was that the synergies and tensions
between the subject areas would be quite evident on a joint pc, and have
to be worked out. doing so would be an educational experience.

> I mean, abuse + security teams could care less about MPLS and peering,
> but there is a lot they're discussing (walled gardens, botnet
> mitigation etc) that does get discussed in far better detail at nanog.
> Or at FIRST.


2008-04-12 20:55:40 UTC
> "dear coo/ceo/whomever: i want approval to send the five folk
> who go to nanog, and the five folk who go to maawg, and the
> five folk who go to first to *all* go to the new frobnitz
> joint conference."
> think that'll fly?

Why not? We already solved that problem for the five folk who go
to the ARIN meetings.

--Michael Dillon

P.S. Thinking out of the box would suggest that the person funding
these conference trips should force people to rotate the conferences
that they go to. Want to get approval to go to another NANOG? Then
you have to attend the next MAAWG and the next FIRST conference before
you can attend NANOG again.

It is now standard enterprise practice to rotate their best managers
through various different functions of the company. Why don't we do
this with some of the technical management functions as well?
Rich Kulawiec
2008-04-11 14:33:47 UTC
On Thu, Apr 10, 2008 at 11:58:05PM -0400, Rob Szarka wrote:
> I report dozens of spams from my personal account alone every day and never
> receive anything other than automated messages claiming to have dealt with
> the same abuse that continues around the clock or, worse, bogus/clueless
> claims that the IP in question is not theirs and suggestions that I check
> the same ARIN database that I used to confirm the responsible party in the
> first place.

I gave up sending abuse reports to Yahoo (and Hotmail) many years ago.
All available evidence strongly indicates that there is nobody there
who understands them, is capable of taking effective action, or cares
to take any effective action. That evidence includes not just their
complete failure to control outbound abuse, but their ill-advised
and ineffective attempts to control inbound abuse (as we see in this
thread), their complete failure to participate in abuse forums such
as Spam-L, their complete failure to shut down spammer/phisher domains
they're hosting, and their complete failure to shut down spammer/phisher
dropboxes they're providing.

Sadly, Google's Gmail appears to be on the first steps down this same
path. I had hoped for a display of markedly higher clue level from
them, but -- for whatever reason -- it hasn't manifested itself yet.

So in the short term, advising customers that Yahoo's and Hotmail's
freemail services are of very poor quality and should never be relied
on for anything, and that Gmail is a better choice, is probably viable.
In the long term, though, I think it may only delay the inevitable.

Rob Szarka
2008-04-11 16:09:50 UTC
At 10:33 AM 4/11/2008, you wrote:
>I gave up sending abuse reports to Yahoo (and Hotmail) many years ago.

I gave up on Hotmail, too, though occasionally I try a sample to see
if they've improved. The latest came back with a message saying that
I had to resubmit my report to any entirely different address. As if
their inability to forward mail internally is now my problem...

>So in the short term, advising customers that Yahoo's and Hotmail's
>freemail services are of very poor quality and should never be relied
>on for anything, and that Gmail is a better choice, is probably viable.
>In the long term, though, I think it may only delay the inevitable.

OTOH, as someone who provides services to small business customers
who want their own domains, this may be to my benefit: one of the
main selling points of a domain is that it makes you the master of
your own fate, not tied to the fate of a particular provider. (At
least, if you're smart enough to use a registrar and a service
provider who doesn't make it almost-impossible to switch....)
Chris Stone
2008-04-10 18:23:24 UTC
Matt Baldwin wrote:
> mostly. It feels like a poorly implemented spam prevention system.
> Doing some Google searches will turn up some more background on the
> issue. We've been telling our users that Yahoo mail is problematic
> and if they can to switch away from using them as their private email
> or hosted email.

Maybe we all should do the same to them until they quit spewing out all the
Nigerian scams and the like that I've been seeing from their servers lately!

Henry Yen
2008-04-10 20:17:08 UTC
On Thu, Apr 10, 2008 at 12:23:24PM -0600, Chris Stone wrote:
> Hash: SHA512
> Matt Baldwin wrote:
> > mostly. It feels like a poorly implemented spam prevention system.
> > Doing some Google searches will turn up some more background on the
> > issue. We've been telling our users that Yahoo mail is problematic
> > and if they can to switch away from using them as their private email
> > or hosted email.
> Maybe we all should do the same to them until they quit spewing out all the
> Nigerian scams and the like that I've been seeing from their servers lately!

Naaah. I hear that Microsoft is going to buy Yahoo!, so this problem will
go away once Yahoo! mail gets folded into Microsoft hotmail, whereupon
things will get soooooo much better!
Raymond L. Corbin
2008-04-10 21:04:13 UTC
I hope that's sarcasm? Instead of getting the bounces your messages will simply go missing after they accepted it...or you will get bounces sent to you a few years after you sent the message...(happened to a client yesterday...).


-----Original Message-----
From: owner-***@merit.edu [mailto:owner-***@merit.edu] On Behalf Of Henry Yen
Sent: Thursday, April 10, 2008 4:17 PM
To: ***@merit.edu
Subject: Re: Problems sending mail to yahoo?

On Thu, Apr 10, 2008 at 12:23:24PM -0600, Chris Stone wrote:
> Hash: SHA512
> Matt Baldwin wrote:
> > mostly. It feels like a poorly implemented spam prevention system.
> > Doing some Google searches will turn up some more background on the
> > issue. We've been telling our users that Yahoo mail is problematic
> > and if they can to switch away from using them as their private email
> > or hosted email.
> Maybe we all should do the same to them until they quit spewing out all the
> Nigerian scams and the like that I've been seeing from their servers lately!

Naaah. I hear that Microsoft is going to buy Yahoo!, so this problem will
go away once Yahoo! mail gets folded into Microsoft hotmail, whereupon
things will get soooooo much better!
Jeff Shultz
2008-04-10 18:35:53 UTC
Chris Stone wrote:
> Hash: SHA512
> Barry Shein wrote:
>> Is it just us or are there general problems with sending email to
>> yahoo in the past few weeks? Our queues to them are backed up though
>> they drain slowly.
>> They frequently return:
>> 421 4.7.0 [TS01] Messages from MAILSERVERIP temporarily deferred due to user complaints -; see http://postmaster.yahoo.com/421-ts01.html
>> (where MAILSERVERIP is one of our mail server ip addresses)
> ....
>> Just wondering if this was a widespread problem or are we just so
>> blessed, and any insights into what's going on over there.
> I see this a lot also and what I see causing it is accounts on my servers
> that don't opt for spam filtering and they have their accounts here set to
> forward mail to their yahoo.com accounts - spam and everything then gets
> sent there - they complain to yahoo.com about the spam and bingo - email
> delays from here to yahoo.com accounts....

This thread got me checking logs and I just spotted several of those
"deferred due to user complaints" tags. And compared to them, we're
tiny. Don't know if it's widespread, but it appears you are not the only
one so blessed.

Jeff Shultz
Edward B. DREGER
2008-04-10 18:29:11 UTC
BS> Date: Thu, 10 Apr 2008 13:30:06 -0400 (EDT)
BS> From: Barry Shein

BS> Is it just us or are there general problems with sending email to
BS> yahoo in the past few weeks? Our queues to them are backed up though
BS> they drain slowly.

[ snip details ]

BS> Just wondering if this was a widespread problem or are we just so
BS> blessed, and any insights into what's going on over there.

Not only "been there, done that", but "am there, doing that".

We admin the server for a list in which one person sends out a weekly
post. Subscriber base is about 14,000 people, with around 2000 of those
subscribers using Yahoo boxes.

"Excessive" bounces trigger automatic unsubscribes. Although Yahoo
readership accounts for 14% of subscribers, it's not uncommon for 98% of
automated unsubscribes to be Yahoo-based... followed by Yahoo-using
people sending list-admin requests asknig why they were dropped, and
wanting to sign back up.

Following URLs in Yahoo's 4xx codes gives virtually-useless information.
The easiest fix to date has been for people to use less-presumptive
email services.

Everquick Internet - http://www.everquick.net/
A division of Brotsman & Dreger, Inc. - http://www.brotsman.com/
Bandwidth, consulting, e-commerce, hosting, and network building
Phone: +1 785 865 5885 Lawrence and [inter]national
Phone: +1 316 794 8922 Wichita
DO NOT send mail to the following addresses:
***@brics.com -*- ***@intc.net -*- ***@everquick.net
Sending mail to spambait addresses is a great way to get blocked.
Ditto for broken OOO autoresponders and foolish AV software backscatter.
Joe Greco
2008-04-10 19:29:08 UTC
> Barry Shein wrote:
> > Is it just us or are there general problems with sending email to
> > yahoo in the past few weeks? Our queues to them are backed up though
> > they drain slowly.
> >
> > They frequently return:
> >
> > 421 4.7.0 [TS01] Messages from MAILSERVERIP temporarily deferred due to user complaints -; see http://postmaster.yahoo.com/421-ts01.html
> >
> > (where MAILSERVERIP is one of our mail server ip addresses)
> ....
> > Just wondering if this was a widespread problem or are we just so
> > blessed, and any insights into what's going on over there.
> I see this a lot also and what I see causing it is accounts on my servers
> that don't opt for spam filtering and they have their accounts here set to
> forward mail to their yahoo.com accounts - spam and everything then gets
> sent there - they complain to yahoo.com about the spam and bingo - email
> delays from here to yahoo.com accounts....

We had this happen when a user forwarded a non-filtered mail stream from
here to Yahoo. The user indicated that no messages were reported to Yahoo
as spam, despite the fact that it's certain some of them were spam.

I wouldn't trust the error message completely. It seems likely that a jump
in volume may trigger this too, especially of an unfiltered stream.

... JG
Joe Greco - sol.net Network Services - Milwaukee, WI - http://www.sol.net
"We call it the 'one bite at the apple' rule. Give me one chance [and] then I
won't contact you again." - Direct Marketing Ass'n position on e-mail spam(CNN)
With 24 million small businesses in the US alone, that's way too many apples.
S. Ryan
2008-04-10 18:05:15 UTC
I work for an ISP that seems to have the same exact problem. We're not
even that large of an ISP, 5k customers maybe. We are not a SPAM haven

We've tried to work with Yahoo! also and have gotten nowhere.

If you find anything out on how to deal with it, let me know.

I'll update you if I or my Systems guys find out more but it's been
going on for a couple weeks and I don't see an end in sight.



Barry Shein wroteth on 4/10/2008 10:30 AM:
> Is it just us or are there general problems with sending email to
> yahoo in the past few weeks? Our queues to them are backed up though
> they drain slowly.
> They frequently return:
> 421 4.7.0 [TS01] Messages from MAILSERVERIP temporarily deferred due to user complaints -; see http://postmaster.yahoo.com/421-ts01.html
> (where MAILSERVERIP is one of our mail server ip addresses)
> Yes I followed the link and filled out the form but after several days
> no response or change.
> Despite the wording of their message we're not aware of any cause for
> "user complaints". For example if there were a spam leak you'd expect
> to see complaints in general to postmaster, abuse, etc. None we're
> aware of.
> We host quite a few mailing lists and it seems like whatever they're
> using is being touched off by the volume of (legitimate) mailing list
> traffic.
> I'm automatically moving all their email to a slower delivery queue to
> see if that helps.
> Just wondering if this was a widespread problem or are we just so
> blessed, and any insights into what's going on over there.


Steve Ryan

Master Solvinator

***@mind.net <mailto:***@mind.net>

Office: 541*.* 773*.* 5000

Fax: 541*.* 535*.* 7599

288 S Pacific Hwy

Talent, OR 97540
Raymond L. Corbin
2008-04-10 19:47:34 UTC
I think it took a few weeks for me to get a reply through that system...I believe their 'Bulk Mail Advocacy' said they are typically 72hours. Try increasing your retries to extend beyond that.


-----Original Message-----
From: owner-***@merit.edu [mailto:owner-***@merit.edu] On Behalf Of Jeff Shultz
Sent: Thursday, April 10, 2008 2:55 PM
To: Barry Shein; NANOG list
Subject: Re: Problems sending mail to yahoo?

Barry Shein wrote:
> Is it just us or are there general problems with sending email to
> yahoo in the past few weeks? Our queues to them are backed up though
> they drain slowly.
> They frequently return:
> 421 4.7.0 [TS01] Messages from MAILSERVERIP temporarily deferred due to user complaints -; see http://postmaster.yahoo.com/421-ts01.html
> (where MAILSERVERIP is one of our mail server ip addresses)
> Yes I followed the link and filled out the form but after several days
> no response or change.

I got the following auto-response to filling out the form:

"This is an automated message regarding your recent request for Yahoo!
Postmaster Customer Care Support. We have received your message but due
to a temporary problem we wanted to let you know it could take up to a
week until you receive a response. We apologize for this inconvenience.

Thank you for reaching out to us. We look forward to helping you!"

Makes me wonder exactly what their "temporary" problem is... a week of
deferred mail could really stack up.

Jeff Shultz
Rich Kulawiec
2008-04-11 01:54:56 UTC
On Thu, Apr 10, 2008 at 05:51:23PM -0700, chuck goolsbee wrote:
> Thanks for the update Jared. I can understand your request to not be used
> as a proxy, but it exposes the reason why Yahoo is thought to be clueless:
> They are completely opaque.
> They can not exist in this community without having some visibity and
> interaction on an operational level.

I heartily second this. Yahoo (and Hotmail) (and Comcast and Verizon)
mail system personnel should be actively participating here, on mailop,
on spam-l, etc. A lot of problems could be solved (and some avoided)
with some interaction.

2008-04-13 05:58:59 UTC
On Thu, Apr 10, 2008 at 8:54 PM, Rich Kulawiec <***@gsp.org> wrote:
> On Thu, Apr 10, 2008 at 05:51:23PM -0700, chuck goolsbee wrote:
> > Thanks for the update Jared. I can understand your request to not be used
> > as a proxy, but it exposes the reason why Yahoo is thought to be clueless:
> > They are completely opaque.
> >
> > They can not exist in this community without having some visibity and
> > interaction on an operational level.
> I heartily second this. Yahoo (and Hotmail) (and Comcast and Verizon)
> mail system personnel should be actively participating here, on mailop,
> on spam-l, etc. A lot of problems could be solved (and some avoided)
> with some interaction.
> ---Rsk

Why should large companies participate here about mail issues? Last I
checked this wasn't the mailing list for these issues:

"NANOG is an educational and operational forum for the coordination
and dissemination of technical information related to
backbone/enterprise networking technologies and operational

But lets just say for a second this is the place to discuss company
xys's mail issue. What benefit do they have participating here? Likely
they'll be hounded by people who have some disdain for their company
and no matter what they do they will still be evil or wrong in some

It is easy for someone who has 10,000 users to tell someone who has 50
million users what to do when they don't have to work with such a
large scale enterprise.

I find it funny when smaller companies always tell larger companies
what they need to be doing.

ross [at] dillio.net
Rob Szarka
2008-04-13 10:27:03 UTC
At 01:58 AM 4/13/2008, you wrote:
>Why should large companies participate here about mail issues? Last I
>checked this wasn't the mailing list for these issues:

True, though some aspects of mail service are inextricably tied to
broader networking issues, and thus participation here might still
benefit them. But sadly Yahoo doesn't even seem to participate in
more relevant forums, such as the spam-l list.

>But lets just say for a second this is the place to discuss company
>xys's mail issue. What benefit do they have participating here? Likely
>they'll be hounded by people who have some disdain for their company
>and no matter what they do they will still be evil or wrong in some

I've never seen someone treated badly for trying to help resolve
problems. I think we all know that it can be hard to get things done
within a large company and that often the folks who participate on a
list like this are taking on work that isn't strictly speaking "their
job" when they try to help resolve mail issues. And when a large
company that was a mess does a turnaround, they also get praised:
just look at the many positive comments about AOL on this and other
lists over the past few years.

>It is easy for someone who has 10,000 users to tell someone who has 50
>million users what to do when they don't have to work with such a
>large scale enterprise.

I wouldn't presume to tell them how to accomplish something within
their particular configuration. But I will, without apology, tell
them that they need to accomplish it. For example, I'm quite
comfortable saying that Earthlink should follow the minimum timeouts
in RFC 1123, though I wouldn't presume to guess whether they should
accomplish that by having separate fast and slow queues on different
servers, on the same server, or not at all. Likewise, a working abuse
role account is a minimum requirement for participation in the
Internet email system, and I'm comfortable saying that the email it
receives should be read by a competent human.

>I find it funny when smaller companies always tell larger companies
>what they need to be doing.

When what the larger companies do enables criminal behavior that
impacts the very viability of the smaller companies through de factor
DoS attacks, it's not funny at all. Yahoo, for example, has chosen a
business model (free email with little to no verification) that
inevitably leads to spam being originated from their systems. Why
should they be able to shift the cost of their business model to me,
just because I run a much smaller business?
Suresh Ramasubramanian
2008-04-13 12:49:50 UTC
On Sun, Apr 13, 2008 at 3:57 PM, Rob Szarka <***@szarka.org> wrote:
> True, though some aspects of mail service are inextricably tied to broader
> networking issues, and thus participation here might still benefit them. But
> sadly Yahoo doesn't even seem to participate in more relevant forums, such
> as the spam-l list.

There are other lists, far more relevant than spam-l or nanae.

There's a way to present spam issues and mail filtering
operationally.. and I see it all the time at MAAWG meetings, just for

The issue here is that 90% of the comments on a thread related to this
are from people who might be wizards at packet pushing, but cant
filter spam. Or on mailserver lists you might find people who can
write sendmail.cf from scratch instead of building it from a .mc file
and still dont know about the right way to do spam filtering.

> When what the larger companies do enables criminal behavior that impacts
> the very viability of the smaller companies through de factor DoS attacks,
> it's not funny at all. Yahoo, for example, has chosen a business model (free
> email with little to no verification) that inevitably leads to spam being
> originated from their systems. Why should they be able to shift the cost of
> their business model to me, just because I run a much smaller business?

So has hotmail, so have several of the domains that we host.

Suresh Ramasubramanian (***@gmail.com)
Rob Szarka
2008-04-13 17:00:18 UTC
At 08:49 AM 4/13/2008, Suresh Ramasubramanian wrote:
>There are other lists, far more relevant than spam-l or nanae.

Feel free to suggest some that you feel would be more appropriate or
effective. Since reaching them via ***@yahoo.com or any of their
published phone numbers doesn't seem to work, backchannels are all
that's left. (I do, however, subscribe to many lists and have yet to
notice a presence of clueful Yahoo people on any of them.)

>>Yahoo, for example, has chosen a business model (free email with
>>little to no verification) that inevitably leads to spam being
>>originated from their systems.
>So has hotmail, so have several of the domains that we host.

Indeed, and I didn't mean to imply that Yahoo was necessarily worse
than Hotmail (and several free email providers based outside the US,
as far as I can tell). The difference, as I'm sure you're aware, is
that some free email providers seem to care enough to minimize the
costs they impose on the rest of us by responding appropriately to
the inevitable abuse.
Joel Jaeggli
2008-04-13 16:39:49 UTC
Suresh Ramasubramanian wrote:
> On Sun, Apr 13, 2008 at 3:57 PM, Rob Szarka <***@szarka.org> wrote:
>> True, though some aspects of mail service are inextricably tied to broader
>> networking issues, and thus participation here might still benefit them. But
>> sadly Yahoo doesn't even seem to participate in more relevant forums, such
>> as the spam-l list.
> There are other lists, far more relevant than spam-l or nanae.
> There's a way to present spam issues and mail filtering
> operationally.. and I see it all the time at MAAWG meetings, just for
> example.

MAAWG, is fine but the requirements for participation are substantially
higher than the nanog list.

> The issue here is that 90% of the comments on a thread related to this
> are from people who might be wizards at packet pushing, but cant
> filter spam. Or on mailserver lists you might find people who can
> write sendmail.cf from scratch instead of building it from a .mc file
> and still dont know about the right way to do spam filtering.

People who have operational problems don't generally get to pick the
skillset they already have just because a problem appears, some
cognizance of that is surely in order.

If the discussion is headed further in the meta-direction we should take
it to futures.
Suresh Ramasubramanian
2008-04-13 16:42:58 UTC
On Sun, Apr 13, 2008 at 10:09 PM, Joel Jaeggli <***@bogus.com> wrote:
> MAAWG, is fine but the requirements for participation are substantially
> higher than the nanog list.

* Quite a lot of ISPs who already attend nanog are also maawg members

* Lots of independent tech experts (Dave Crocker, Chris Lewis, Joe
St.Sauver from UOregon etc) are regulars at maawg, designated as
senior tech advisors

* Quite a few other invited guest type people

So, not as bad as it sounds

> People who have operational problems don't generally get to pick the
> skillset they already have just because a problem appears, some cognizance
> of that is surely in order.

That was the only meta comment I had here. I'll stop now.

Suresh Ramasubramanian (***@gmail.com)
2008-04-13 21:11:05 UTC
On Sun, Apr 13, 2008 at 5:27 AM, Rob Szarka <***@szarka.org> wrote:
> At 01:58 AM 4/13/2008, you wrote:
> > Why should large companies participate here about mail issues? Last I
> > checked this wasn't the mailing list for these issues:
> >
> True, though some aspects of mail service are inextricably tied to broader
> networking issues, and thus participation here might still benefit them. But
> sadly Yahoo doesn't even seem to participate in more relevant forums, such
> as the spam-l list.

Maybe their management or legal has told them not to. I know when I
worked for a certain company we were forbidden from replying to
operational lists or forums for fear of employees responses being used
against the company in court or in the news.

> > But lets just say for a second this is the place to discuss company
> > xys's mail issue. What benefit do they have participating here? Likely
> > they'll be hounded by people who have some disdain for their company
> > and no matter what they do they will still be evil or wrong in some
> > way.
> >
> I've never seen someone treated badly for trying to help resolve problems.
> I think we all know that it can be hard to get things done within a large
> company and that often the folks who participate on a list like this are
> taking on work that isn't strictly speaking "their job" when they try to
> help resolve mail issues. And when a large company that was a mess does a
> turnaround, they also get praised: just look at the many positive comments
> about AOL on this and other lists over the past few years.

I have seen plenty of people working for isps being abused even when
trying to help solve problems, maybe not on this list but definitely
on others. In many larger companies people have defined roles and
structured goals they need to accomplish or face termination so they
may not have time to participate in other venues. Companies that give
their management/employees latitude and encourage working in the
community should be praised but not all companies are setup this way.
If you don't like how yahoo is responding to issues I would suggest
sending certified letters to every person in upper management you can
find as these people can typically implement changes.

> > It is easy for someone who has 10,000 users to tell someone who has 50
> > million users what to do when they don't have to work with such a
> > large scale enterprise.
> >
> I wouldn't presume to tell them how to accomplish something within their
> particular configuration. But I will, without apology, tell them that they
> need to accomplish it. For example, I'm quite comfortable saying that
> Earthlink should follow the minimum timeouts in RFC 1123, though I wouldn't
> presume to guess whether they should accomplish that by having separate fast
> and slow queues on different servers, on the same server, or not at all.
> Likewise, a working abuse role account is a minimum requirement for
> participation in the Internet email system, and I'm comfortable saying that
> the email it receives should be read by a competent human.

You can tell Earthlink whatever you want but it doesn't mean they need
to follow it. Please read my previous reply about business decisions.
I would agree that it is good for business to try and follow industry
standards but sometimes business decisions need to be made where
standards cannot be implemented. I'm not saying that is the case here
and it could just be utter incompetence but not everything is black
and white.

A working abuse account is not the minimum requirement, I can run a
mail system without that abuse account but may get blocked from
sending mail to certain systems. Read above for my thoughts on

With that being said I do believe all companies should have a working
abuse email that is appropriately staffed that can respond to
complaints within 72 hours.

> > I find it funny when smaller companies always tell larger companies
> > what they need to be doing.
> >
> When what the larger companies do enables criminal behavior that impacts
> the very viability of the smaller companies through de factor DoS attacks,
> it's not funny at all. Yahoo, for example, has chosen a business model (free
> email with little to no verification) that inevitably leads to spam being
> originated from their systems. Why should they be able to shift the cost of
> their business model to me, just because I run a much smaller business?

I would say that you may being a bit over dramatic but that may just
be me. The cost of their business model isn't shifted to you, you have
the choice to block yahoo email from your systems or you have the
choice to deal with the issues that comes along with accepting their
mail. Comparing this to DoS attacks is just a little bit over the
edge to me.

ross [at] dillio.net
Frank Bulk - iNAME
2008-04-15 03:29:48 UTC

It seems like you're saying that there's no law when it comes to internet
best-practices, and that's true, there's very little legislated. But
there's a lots of best practices out there that are definitely worth
following. Unfortunately business decisions don't always align themselves
with the BCPs.

Yes, internet service providers and operators don't need to listen, but I
can't see how Yahoo's e-mail and abuse handling history arises out of good
business decisions. Tell my users and tell the members of this list that --
we won't agree.

As posted elsewhere, delayed delivery queues are well-represented by Yahoo.
If an single operator dominates my 99% of delivery delay that's pretty close
to black and white for me.

72 hours to respond to e-mail sent to the abuse account? That's much too
long -- it should be at least a 4 hour response time during business hours,
and for service providers and operators large enough to staff their network
24x7 for other reasons, 4 hour response time all the time.


-----Original Message-----
From: owner-***@merit.edu [mailto:owner-***@merit.edu] On Behalf Of Ross
Sent: Sunday, April 13, 2008 4:11 PM
To: Rob Szarka
Cc: ***@merit.edu
Subject: Re: Yahoo Mail Update


You can tell Earthlink whatever you want but it doesn't mean they need
to follow it. Please read my previous reply about business decisions.
I would agree that it is good for business to try and follow industry
standards but sometimes business decisions need to be made where
standards cannot be implemented. I'm not saying that is the case here
and it could just be utter incompetence but not everything is black
and white.

A working abuse account is not the minimum requirement, I can run a
mail system without that abuse account but may get blocked from
sending mail to certain systems. Read above for my thoughts on

With that being said I do believe all companies should have a working
abuse email that is appropriately staffed that can respond to
complaints within 72 hours.
JC Dill
2008-04-15 08:29:57 UTC
Frank Bulk - iNAME wrote:

> Yes, internet service providers and operators don't need to listen, but I
> can't see how Yahoo's e-mail and abuse handling history arises out of good
> business decisions.

How would Yahoo benefit from better staffing of their abuse desk? What
do they gain, besides the respect of their peers in the ISP industry?
Do you know of anyone (outside the ISP industry) who knows anything
about Yahoo's email and abuse handling history, and who uses this
information as part of a buying decision WRT the services sold by Yahoo?

I don't. Through my participation on dozens of discussion groups
(mailing lists, usenet groups, web forums, etc.) I know hundreds of
people who collectively:

1) Have a free Yahoo email address
2) Have a paid Yahoo email address
3) Pay for a website and/or domain name hosted by Yahoo
4) Pay for advertising on Yahoo
5) Click on ads on Yahoo
6) Have SBC-Global/Yahoo as their DSL provider
7) Have Yahoo as their Home page (a result of 6)

etc. None of them know or care that the ISP industry thinks Yahoo is
irresponsible in their email and abuse handling practices.

Staffing an abuse desk is costly. If you are big enough that you can
get away with doing it at the lowest levels possible - if it doesn't
hurt your bottom line to shift some of your spam problem onto the abuse
desks of other ISPs, if you are big enough that other ISPs can't afford
to play hardball with you because your abuse handling practices aren't
up to their standards, then it makes perfect financial sense to do it at
the lowest level you can get away with. Yahoo knows that if it comes to
a game of chicken that the other side will be hurt more, and blink first.

(Same thing with Cogent and the Tier 1 networks that try to de-peer with
Cogent - they know that a Tier 1 can't afford the complaints they get
from their end users if they can't reach a site hosted on Cogent, so
Cogent can afford to let the Tier 1 break peering, and then reestablish
it after they suffer the expense of the support calls from their angry
customer. Cogent just rides out the storm, knowing that if they simply
"do nothing" the other side will blink first.)

Now, if a major *website/webhost* (Cogent-sized) wanted to play chicken
with Yahoo and block access to the website from Yahoo IPs because of the
spam problem coming from Yahoo, then maybe THAT would be a game of
chicken that Yahoo couldn't afford to wait out (because of all the
complaints that would flood Yahoo's support center, etc.). However the
website/webhost would need to be able to afford the drop in traffic that
this ban would produce, and what's in it for them? Again, where is the
benefit of this action? It would cost them lost revenue (lost
advertising revenue for the website, lost bandwidth revenue for a
webhost) - for what purpose?

If anyone else (a smaller ISP that is mainly eyeballs, or a small
website or web host) tries it, they will be hurting themselves rather
than putting any real pressure on Yahoo to change.

"I urge all my competitors to do that."

Martin Hannigan
2008-04-13 14:54:42 UTC
On Sun, Apr 13, 2008 at 1:58 AM, Ross <***@dillio.net> wrote:
[ clip ]

> > I heartily second this. Yahoo (and Hotmail) (and Comcast and Verizon)
> > mail system personnel should be actively participating here, on mailop,
> > on spam-l, etc. A lot of problems could be solved (and some avoided)
> > with some interaction.
> >
> > ---Rsk
> >
> Why should large companies participate here about mail issues? Last I
> checked this wasn't the mailing list for these issues:

It is an operations list and part of operating a network is delivering
content of protocols whether it be http or smtp.

[ clip ]

> But lets just say for a second this is the place to discuss company
> xys's mail issue. What benefit do they have participating here? Likely
> they'll be hounded by people who have some disdain for their company
> and no matter what they do they will still be evil or wrong in some
> way.

They can use an alias if they don't want to publish under their company banner.

> It is easy for someone who has 10,000 users to tell someone who has 50
> million users what to do when they don't have to work with such a
> large scale enterprise.
> I find it funny when smaller companies always tell larger companies
> what they need to be doing.

When lots of smaller companies tell larger companies what to do, they
typically do it. Part of the value of a community like NANOG is for
groups of smaller companies to demonstrate both the positive and
negative aspects of products(routers) or services(mail) of others so
that these other companies (cisco, Yahoo!, et. al.) can learn from us
and either create new products(Nexus 7000) or add features(LISP) and
fixes(autosecure) or (abuse desk).

The fact that a bunch of little companies are pointing out the
operational inefficiencies of large providers (of mail services)
should offer some value to them, and to us. The reason why these
operations are not open and friendly is because they are overhead and
cost of doing business. I doubt you'll see any investments in making
it easier, but if the interaction process was better explained or
simplified, it might be helpful.

Having some provider or group(MAAWG?) explain the new and improved
overhead driven mail/abuse desk would make an excellent NANOG
presentation, IMHO, and it could include a V6 slant like "and to
handle V6 abuse issues the plan is.....".


Suresh Ramasubramanian
2008-04-13 15:48:48 UTC
On Sun, Apr 13, 2008 at 8:24 PM, Martin Hannigan <***@gmail.com> wrote:
> Having some provider or group(MAAWG?) explain the new and improved
> overhead driven mail/abuse desk would make an excellent NANOG
> presentation, IMHO, and it could include a V6 slant like "and to
> handle V6 abuse issues the plan is.....".

MAAWG spent three entire meetings drafting this - and a very
interactive drafting process it was too (hang flipcharts on the walls,
each with a key question, people circulate around the room with marker
pens, write their ideas. Other people rate these ideas. The
flipcharts are then taken down, the contents edited to produce a BCP

Here's the abuse desk management BCP - one that includes several
things that I personally regard as a very good idea indeed -

And by the time v6 actually gets used for exchanging email except
between "guy with personal colo and a tunneled /48, and freebsd.org /
isc.org etc hosted lists" .. you'll probably find that the basic
concepts of filtering remain much the same, v4, v6 (or perhaps even
Jim Fleming's or that Chinese vendor's IPv9)


Suresh Ramasubramanian (***@gmail.com)
Rich Kulawiec
2008-04-13 20:24:36 UTC
On Sun, Apr 13, 2008 at 12:58:59AM -0500, Ross wrote:
> On Thu, Apr 10, 2008 at 8:54 PM, Rich Kulawiec <***@gsp.org> wrote:
> > I heartily second this. Yahoo (and Hotmail) (and Comcast and Verizon)
> > mail system personnel should be actively participating here, on mailop,
> > on spam-l, etc. A lot of problems could be solved (and some avoided)
> > with some interaction.
> Why should large companies participate here about mail issues? Last I
> checked this wasn't the mailing list for these issues:

It's got nothing to do with size ("large"); Joe's ISP in Podunk should
be on this lists as well. And one of the reasons I suggested multiple
lists is that each has its own focus, so those involved with the care
and feeding of mail systems should probably be on a number of them,
in order to interact with something approximating the right set of peers
at other operations. (Of course not all lists are appropriate for all

> But lets just say for a second this is the place to discuss company
> xys's mail issue. What benefit do they have participating here? Likely
> they'll be hounded by people who have some disdain for their company
> and no matter what they do they will still be evil or wrong in some way.

They're more likely to be hounded by people who have disdain for their
incompetence and the resulting operational issues they impose on their peers.

But if they're reluctant to face the unhappiness of their peers -- those
whose networks, systems and users are abused on a daily basis and who thus
have ample reason to be unhappy -- then maybe they should try something
different, such as "doing their jobs properly".

> It is easy for someone who has 10,000 users to tell someone who has 50
> million users what to do when they don't have to work with such a
> large scale enterprise.

This is mythology. Someone who can *competently* run a 10,000 user
operation will have little-to-no difficulty running a 50 million user
operation. (In some ways, the latter is considerably easier.) It's
not a matter of the size of anyone's operation, it's a matter of how
well it's run, which in turn speaks to the knowledge, experience,
diligence, etc. of those running it.

2008-04-13 20:55:13 UTC
On Sun, Apr 13, 2008 at 3:24 PM, Rich Kulawiec <***@gsp.org> wrote:
> On Sun, Apr 13, 2008 at 12:58:59AM -0500, Ross wrote:
> > On Thu, Apr 10, 2008 at 8:54 PM, Rich Kulawiec <***@gsp.org> wrote:
> > > I heartily second this. Yahoo (and Hotmail) (and Comcast and Verizon)
> > > mail system personnel should be actively participating here, on mailop,
> > > on spam-l, etc. A lot of problems could be solved (and some avoided)
> > > with some interaction.
> >
> > Why should large companies participate here about mail issues? Last I
> > checked this wasn't the mailing list for these issues:
> It's got nothing to do with size ("large"); Joe's ISP in Podunk should
> be on this lists as well. And one of the reasons I suggested multiple
> lists is that each has its own focus, so those involved with the care
> and feeding of mail systems should probably be on a number of them,
> in order to interact with something approximating the right set of peers
> at other operations. (Of course not all lists are appropriate for all
> topics.)

Again I disagree with the principle that this list should be used for
mail operation issues but maybe I'm just in the wrong here. Maybe this
list is intended for everything internet related, if so I have some
complaints I'd like to post about slow download speeds at my current
isp. I think maybe there should be a better mission statement to
clarify what it is intended for.

Again large companies don't need to participate here. They have the
user base so you either have to deal with them or block them. Then you
have the business decisions of who is going to be more unhappy, their
users who can't reach 10k in email accounts or your user base who
can't reach 50 million in email accounts. This is the cost of doing
business and yes it sucks at times but these choices you have to make
as an operator.

The businesses that do participate here and on other lists should be
commended but it isn't an operational necessity for their business.

> > But lets just say for a second this is the place to discuss company
> > xys's mail issue. What benefit do they have participating here? Likely
> > they'll be hounded by people who have some disdain for their company
> > and no matter what they do they will still be evil or wrong in some way.
> They're more likely to be hounded by people who have disdain for their
> incompetence and the resulting operational issues they impose on their peers.
> But if they're reluctant to face the unhappiness of their peers -- those
> whose networks, systems and users are abused on a daily basis and who thus
> have ample reason to be unhappy -- then maybe they should try something
> different, such as "doing their jobs properly".

I'll say it again, it is easy to tell someone who has a much larger
economy of scale how to do their job properly when you are the small
fish in the pond. These guys have a lot of politics in their jobs to
deal with so where you may be the sole shot caller in your
organization they may have to work through the layers in their
organization. I fully believe we could work out some of the
operational inefficiencies if I were the only person making decisions
but I'm not and that is the reality of big business.

> > It is easy for someone who has 10,000 users to tell someone who has 50
> > million users what to do when they don't have to work with such a
> > large scale enterprise.
> This is mythology. Someone who can *competently* run a 10,000 user
> operation will have little-to-no difficulty running a 50 million user
> operation. (In some ways, the latter is considerably easier.) It's
> not a matter of the size of anyone's operation, it's a matter of how
> well it's run, which in turn speaks to the knowledge, experience,
> diligence, etc. of those running it.
> ---Rsk

If you say so, I find this comment pretty darn humorous saying
10k users should be easily scalable to 50 million.

*sending to list this time

ross [at] dillio.net
Rich Kulawiec
2008-04-14 13:18:20 UTC
On Sun, Apr 13, 2008 at 03:55:13PM -0500, Ross wrote:
> Again I disagree with the principle that this list should be used for
> mail operation issues but maybe I'm just in the wrong here.

I don't think you're getting what I'm saying, although perhaps I'm
not saying it very well.

What I'm saying is that operational staff should be *listening* to
relevant lists (of which this is one) and that operational staff
should be *talking* on lists relevant to their particular issue(s).
Clearly, NANOG is probably not the best place for most SMTP or HTTP
issues, but some of the time, when those issues appear related to
topics appropriate for NANOG, it might be. The rest of the time,
the mailop list is probably more appropriate.

While I prefer to see topics discussed in the "best place" (where
there is considerable debate over what that might be) I think that
things have gotten so bad that I'm willing to settle for, in the
short term, "a place", because it's easier to redirect a converation
once it's underway that it seems to be to start one.

For example: the silence from Yahoo on this very thread is deafening.

Matthew Petach
2008-04-15 02:26:10 UTC
On Mon, Apr 14, 2008 at 6:18 AM, Rich Kulawiec <***@gsp.org> wrote:
> On Sun, Apr 13, 2008 at 03:55:13PM -0500, Ross wrote:
> > Again I disagree with the principle that this list should be used for
> > mail operation issues but maybe I'm just in the wrong here.
> I don't think you're getting what I'm saying, although perhaps I'm
> not saying it very well.
> What I'm saying is that operational staff should be *listening* to
> relevant lists (of which this is one) and that operational staff
> should be *talking* on lists relevant to their particular issue(s).

Completely agree.

> Clearly, NANOG is probably not the best place for most SMTP or HTTP
> issues, but some of the time, when those issues appear related to
> topics appropriate for NANOG, it might be. The rest of the time,
> the mailop list is probably more appropriate.
> While I prefer to see topics discussed in the "best place" (where
> there is considerable debate over what that might be) I think that
> things have gotten so bad that I'm willing to settle for, in the
> short term, "a place", because it's easier to redirect a converation
> once it's underway that it seems to be to start one.
> For example: the silence from Yahoo on this very thread is deafening.

I think if you check historically, you'll find that Yahoo network operations
team members are doing exactly as you indicate, and are
"*talking* on lists relevant to their particular issue(s)"
that is to say, here on NANOG, when it comes to networking issues,
deafening silence has not been the modus operandus.

The mistaken notion that a *network operations* list should have
people on it to address mail server response code complaints is
where I disagree with you.

Ask about a BGP leakage, it'll get fixed. Enquire about how to engage
in peering with Yahoo, you'll get flooded with answers; those are items
the folks who read the list are empowered to deal with. Asking about
topics not related to the list that they aren't empowered to deal with
are going to be met with silence, because you're trying to talk to the
wrong people in the wrong forum.

> ---Rsk

--always speaking for himself--his employer is more likely to pay him
to shut up.
Jared Mauch
2008-04-10 22:03:14 UTC
On Thu, Apr 10, 2008 at 03:47:34PM -0400, Raymond L. Corbin wrote:
> I think it took a few weeks for me to get a reply through that system...I believe their 'Bulk Mail Advocacy' said they are typically 72hours. Try increasing your retries to extend beyond that.

An anonymous source at Yahoo told me that they have pushed
a config update sometime today out to their servers to help with these
deferral issues.

Please don't ask me to play proxy on this one of any
other issues you may have, but take a look at your queues and
they should be getting better.

- Jared

Jared Mauch | pgp key available via finger from ***@puck.nether.net
clue++; | http://puck.nether.net/~jared/ My statements are only mine.
Raymond L. Corbin
2008-04-11 01:23:19 UTC
I've talked to employees in other departments who agree that something needs changed (especially when their own mail wasn't making it to their personal yahoo inboxes)

You can reach yahoo's 'mail' department(s) after doing a lot of digging and googling... Their ' Bulk Mail Advocacy Agent' was somewhat helpful, but the anti-abuse manager seemed to get things done after you at least try the proper channels of submitting a ticket and waiting about a week and still having no resolve...I submitted a ticket to them to update my whitelisted IP's from adding/removing servers and it took about a month to get a reply.

AOL's postmaster is easy to reach via their 1-800# however they seem to read off the screen and are really only general support. Their actual 'postmasters' (once you get passed their general support) are usually pretty helpful and quick to resolve issues.


-----Original Message-----
From: owner-***@merit.edu [mailto:owner-***@merit.edu] On Behalf Of chuck goolsbee
Sent: Thursday, April 10, 2008 8:51 PM
To: ***@merit.edu
Subject: Re: Yahoo Mail Update

> An anonymous source at Yahoo told me that they have pushed
>a config update sometime today out to their servers to help with these
>deferral issues.
> Please don't ask me to play proxy on this one of any
>other issues you may have, but take a look at your queues and
>they should be getting better.
> - Jared

Thanks for the update Jared. I can understand your request to not be
used as a proxy, but it exposes the reason why Yahoo is thought to be
clueless: They are completely opaque.

They can not exist in this community without having some visibity and
interaction on an operational level.

Yahoo should have a look at how things are done at AOL. While the
feedback loop from the *users* at AOL is mostly a source of
entertainment, dealing with the postmaster staff at AOL is a
benchmark in how it should be done.

Proxy that message over and perhaps this issue of Yahoo's perennially
broken mail causing the rest of us headaches will go away. It seems
to come up here on nanog and over on the mailop list every few weeks.

chuck goolsbee
2008-04-11 00:51:23 UTC
> An anonymous source at Yahoo told me that they have pushed
>a config update sometime today out to their servers to help with these
>deferral issues.
> Please don't ask me to play proxy on this one of any
>other issues you may have, but take a look at your queues and
>they should be getting better.
> - Jared

Thanks for the update Jared. I can understand your request to not be
used as a proxy, but it exposes the reason why Yahoo is thought to be
clueless: They are completely opaque.

They can not exist in this community without having some visibity and
interaction on an operational level.

Yahoo should have a look at how things are done at AOL. While the
feedback loop from the *users* at AOL is mostly a source of
entertainment, dealing with the postmaster staff at AOL is a
benchmark in how it should be done.

Proxy that message over and perhaps this issue of Yahoo's perennially
broken mail causing the rest of us headaches will go away. It seems
to come up here on nanog and over on the mailop list every few weeks.

Matthew Petach
2008-04-13 04:10:36 UTC
On 4/10/08, chuck goolsbee <***@forest.net> wrote:
> > An anonymous source at Yahoo told me that they have pushed
> > a config update sometime today out to their servers to help with these
> > deferral issues.
> >
> > Please don't ask me to play proxy on this one of any
> > other issues you may have, but take a look at your queues and
> > they should be getting better.
> >
> > - Jared
> Thanks for the update Jared. I can understand your request to not be used
> as a proxy, but it exposes the reason why Yahoo is thought to be clueless:
> They are completely opaque.
> They can not exist in this community without having some visibity and
> interaction on an operational level.
> Yahoo should have a look at how things are done at AOL. While the feedback
> loop from the *users* at AOL is mostly a source of entertainment, dealing
> with the postmaster staff at AOL is a benchmark in how it should be done.

*heh* Well, depending upon how the battle turns out, Yahoo is likely to
go the way of whomever its new partner will be--which will either be more
like AOL, or more like Hotmail.

Sounds like there's already some amount of preference at least among
this group as to which way they'd prefer to see the battle go. ^_^;


> Proxy that message over and perhaps this issue of Yahoo's perennially
> broken mail causing the rest of us headaches will go away. It seems to come
> up here on nanog and over on the mailop list every few weeks.
> --chuck
Patrick Giagnocavo
2008-04-10 23:19:15 UTC
Rich Kulawiec wrote:
> On Thu, Apr 10, 2008 at 01:30:06PM -0400, Barry Shein wrote:
>> Is it just us or are there general problems with sending email to
>> yahoo in the past few weeks?
> It's not you. Lots of people are seeing this, as Yahoo's mail servers
> are apparently too busy sending ever-increasing quantities of spam to
> have to accept inbound traffic. Sufficiently persistent and lucky
> people have sometimes managed to penetrate the outer clue-resistant
> shells of Yahoo and effect changes, but some of those seem ineffective
> and temporary. There doesn't seem to be any simple, universal fix for
> this other than advising people that Yahoo's email service is already
> miserable and continues to deteriorate, and hoping that they migrate
> elsewhere.
> ---Rsk
The only thing that might cause them to change would be a combination of
various ISPs pushing people to switch to e.g. GMail, and in enough
numbers that Yahoo! noticed the falloff in ad revenue. Unless it costs
them money it is unlikely that they will do anything about it.

Rich Kulawiec
2008-04-10 20:02:22 UTC
On Thu, Apr 10, 2008 at 01:30:06PM -0400, Barry Shein wrote:
> Is it just us or are there general problems with sending email to
> yahoo in the past few weeks?

It's not you. Lots of people are seeing this, as Yahoo's mail servers
are apparently too busy sending ever-increasing quantities of spam to
have to accept inbound traffic. Sufficiently persistent and lucky
people have sometimes managed to penetrate the outer clue-resistant
shells of Yahoo and effect changes, but some of those seem ineffective
and temporary. There doesn't seem to be any simple, universal fix for
this other than advising people that Yahoo's email service is already
miserable and continues to deteriorate, and hoping that they migrate

Edward B. DREGER
2008-04-10 18:41:36 UTC

I've been tempted to implement sort of a "reverse blacklisting". If an
(MX|provider) trips a 4xx threshold, have the local MTA s/4/5/ on emails
to the problem (MX|domain). If it trips a 5xx threshold, including
"upgraded" 4xx responses, simply refuse delivery altogether at the local

"You don't like our email? Fine. You won't see it."

We've observed good success convincing people to switch away from
overly-draconian email providers... so a "reverse blacklist" might not
be as _Wolkenkuckucksheim_ as it seems. Or, then again, it might. ;-)

Everquick Internet - http://www.everquick.net/
A division of Brotsman & Dreger, Inc. - http://www.brotsman.com/
Bandwidth, consulting, e-commerce, hosting, and network building
Phone: +1 785 865 5885 Lawrence and [inter]national
Phone: +1 316 794 8922 Wichita
DO NOT send mail to the following addresses:
***@brics.com -*- ***@intc.net -*- ***@everquick.net
Sending mail to spambait addresses is a great way to get blocked.
Ditto for broken OOO autoresponders and foolish AV software backscatter.
Michael Holstein
2008-04-10 18:09:31 UTC
> Is it just us or are there general problems with sending email to
> yahoo in the past few weeks? Our queues to them are backed up though
> they drain slowly.

I have ~3,000 messages (from today) stuck with this 421-ts01 problem.
Mostly it's our "campus mail bag" which is a digest that goes out to
students (many of whom forward their campus mail off-site).

Interestingly, it's only on the newest of our outbound SMTP boxes that's
affected. The others (which have been in use for some years) still work
just fine. Our SPF record is a permissive 'ptr ~all', btw.


Michael Holstein
Cleveland State University
Jeff Shultz
2008-04-10 18:54:36 UTC
Barry Shein wrote:
> Is it just us or are there general problems with sending email to
> yahoo in the past few weeks? Our queues to them are backed up though
> they drain slowly.
> They frequently return:
> 421 4.7.0 [TS01] Messages from MAILSERVERIP temporarily deferred due to user complaints -; see http://postmaster.yahoo.com/421-ts01.html
> (where MAILSERVERIP is one of our mail server ip addresses)
> Yes I followed the link and filled out the form but after several days
> no response or change.

I got the following auto-response to filling out the form:

"This is an automated message regarding your recent request for Yahoo!
Postmaster Customer Care Support. We have received your message but due
to a temporary problem we wanted to let you know it could take up to a
week until you receive a response. We apologize for this inconvenience.

Thank you for reaching out to us. We look forward to helping you!"

Makes me wonder exactly what their "temporary" problem is... a week of
deferred mail could really stack up.

Jeff Shultz
Joe Greco
2008-04-11 22:11:09 UTC
> > The lesson one should get from all this is that the ultimate harm of
> > spammers et al is that they are succeeding in corrupting the idea of a
> > standards-based internet.
> >
> > Sites invent policies to try to survive in a deluge of spam and
> > implement those policies in software.
> >
> > Usually they're loathe to even speak about how any of it works either
> > for fear that disclosure will help spammers get around the software or
> > fear that someone, maybe a customer maybe a litigious marketeer who
> > feels unfairly excluded, will hold their feet to the fire.
> >
> > So it's a vast sea of security by obscurity and standards be damned.
> >
> > It's a real and serious failure of the IETF et al.
> Has anyone ever figured out what percentage of a connection to the
> internet is now overhead i.e. spam, scan, viruses, etc? More than 5%? If
> we put everyone behind 4to6 gateways would the spam crush the gateways
> or would the gateways stop the spam? Would we add code to these
> transitional gateways to make them do more than act like protocol
> converters and then end up making them permanent because of "benefit"?
> Perhaps there's more to transitioning to a new technology after all?
> Maybe we could get rid of some of the cruft and right a few wrongs while
> we're at it?

We(*) can't even get BCP38 to work. Ha.

Having nearly given up in disgust on trying to devise workable anti-spam
solutions that would reliably deliver requested/desired mail to my own
mailbox, I came to the realization that the real problem with the e-mail
system is so fundamental that there's no trivial way to "save" it.

Permission to mail is implied by simply knowing an e-mail address. If I
provide "***@ns.sol.net" to a vendor in order to receive updates to an
online order, the vendor may retain that address and then mail it again at
a later date. Worse, if the vendor shares the address list with someone
else, we eventually have the Millions CD problem - and I have no idea who
was responsible.

Giving out tagged addresses gave a somewhat useful way to track back the
"who was responsible," but didn't really offload the spam from the mail

I've "solved" my spam problem (or, more accurately, am in the process of
slowly solving my spam problem) by changing the paradigm. If the problem
is that knowing an e-mail address acts as the key to the mail box, then
giving the same key to everyone is stupid.

For vendors, I now give them a crypto-signed e-mail address(*2). By
making the key a part of the DNS name, I can turn off reception for a
"bad" sender (anyone I don't want to hear from anymore!) or a sender who's
shared "my" address with their "affiliates" (block two for the price of
one!) All other validated mail makes it to my mailbox without further
spam filtering of any kind.

This has been excessively effective, though doing it for random consumers
poses a lot of interesting problems. However, it proves to me that one
of the problems is the permission model currently used.

The spam problem is potentially solvable, but there's a failure to figure
out (at a leadership level) paradigm changes that could actually make a
difference. There's a lot of resistance to changing anything about the
way e-mail works, and understandably so. However, these are the sorts of
things that we have to contemplate and evaluate if we're really interested
in making fundamental changes that reduce or eliminate abuse.

(*) fsvo "we" that doesn't include AS14536.

(*2) I've omitted a detailed description of the strategy in use because
it's not necessarily relevant to NANOG. I'm happy to discuss it
with anyone interested. It has technical merit going for it, but it
represents a significant divergence from current practice.

... JG
Joe Greco - sol.net Network Services - Milwaukee, WI - http://www.sol.net
"We call it the 'one bite at the apple' rule. Give me one chance [and] then I
won't contact you again." - Direct Marketing Ass'n position on e-mail spam(CNN)
With 24 million small businesses in the US alone, that's way too many apples.
Roger Marquis
2008-04-13 05:45:39 UTC
Joe Greco wrote:
>> So it's a vast sea of security by obscurity and standards be damned.
>> It's a real and serious failure of the IETF et al.
> ...
>Having nearly given up in disgust on trying to devise workable anti-spam
>solutions that would reliably deliver requested/desired mail to my own
>mailbox, I came to the realization that the real problem with the e-mail
>system is so fundamental that there's no trivial way to "save" it.

Sounds like the party line inside Yahoo, but there are plenty of ISPs that
do a really good job of combating spam. They do it with standard tools
like RBLs, Spamassassin, OCR, ClamAV and without ineffective diversions
like SPF or DKIM.

Add a few local customizations (I know, this is the time consuming part),
IP-layer IDS, stir carefully and voila, spam to real mail ratios well below
1 to 100. All without big junk folders, with very rare false positives,
and little or no effort on the part of end-users.

The problem is that it is an art, not well documented (without reading
5 or 6 sendmail/postfix and anti-spam mailing lists for a several years),
is not taught in school (unlike systems and network administration), and
rarely gets measured with decent metrics.

Not that spam really has much to do with network operations, well, except
perhaps for those pesky Netcool/Openview/Nagios alerts...

Roger Marquis
Suresh Ramasubramanian
2008-04-13 06:14:14 UTC
On Sun, Apr 13, 2008 at 11:15 AM, Roger Marquis <***@roble.com> wrote:
> Sounds like the party line inside Yahoo, but there are plenty of ISPs that
> do a really good job of combating spam. They do it with standard tools
> like RBLs, Spamassassin, OCR, ClamAV and without ineffective diversions
> like SPF or DKIM.

Unless you have actually implemented filters on production mail
platforms with several million users.. please.

> Not that spam really has much to do with network operations, well, except
> perhaps for those pesky Netcool/Openview/Nagios alerts...

You havent been sitting in on most of the security related talks and
bofs at *nog, right? If you have, that'd be a surprisingly naïve

Suresh Ramasubramanian (***@gmail.com)
Peter Dambier
2008-04-13 08:07:37 UTC
Roger Marquis wrote:

> Sounds like the party line inside Yahoo, but there are plenty of ISPs that
> do a really good job of combating spam. They do it with standard tools
> like RBLs, Spamassassin, OCR, ClamAV and without ineffective diversions
> like SPF or DKIM.

Seen from inside, it is not spamfilters but it is the routing table.
I have seen spam dropping by 98% when zerorouting some networks.

Nobody complained about false positives :)

But this is another story for the big ones. They might have customers.

> The problem is that it is an art, not well documented (without reading
> 5 or 6 sendmail/postfix and anti-spam mailing lists for a several years),
> is not taught in school (unlike systems and network administration), and
> rarely gets measured with decent metrics.

That is true. Plus the rules are constantly changeing.

> Not that spam really has much to do with network operations, well, except
> perhaps for those pesky Netcool/Openview/Nagios alerts...

At the edge it does. It can bring your VoIP down and video on demand.

I know from campus networks who improved p2p service when zerorouting
networks known for sending spam.


Peter and Karin Dambier
Cesidian Root - Radice Cesidiana
Rimbacher Strasse 16
D-69509 Moerlenbach-Bonsweiher
+49(6209)795-816 (Telekom)
+49(6252)750-308 (VoIP: sipgate.de)
mail: ***@peter-dambier.de
Barry Shein
2008-04-13 18:18:17 UTC
I realize it's natural and predictable, when spam is mentioned, to
repeat the folklore...then the robots came and we were all driven
underground to survive...

However my point was something more in the realm of standards and
operations and what we can do rather than going back over what we
can't seem to do.

For example, and it's only an example don't quibble the example,
defining a list of return SMTP codes which are actually specific and
meaningful like (let's assume they should be 5xx, maybe 7xx would be a
better start? Policy failure codes)

540 Sending site in internal blacklist contact: URL or MAILBOX
541 Sending site is in external blacklist: URL
542 FROM address blocked: MAILBOX
543 RCPT address blocked: MAILBOX
544 BODY contained blacklisted URL or MAILBOX: URL or MAILBOX
545 BODY contained blacklisted string not a URL or MAILBOX
546 SUBJECT contained blacklisted URL or MAILBOX: URL or MAILBOX
547 SUBJECT contained blacklisted string not a URL or MAILBOX
548 SPF Failure (note: could be subsetted further or detail code added)
549 DKIM Failure (note: could be subsetted further or detail code added)

and so on, a taxonomy which could then at least be dealt with
intelligently by sending MTAs and supporting software rather than each
side cooking up their own stuff.

That's the first problem with this yahoo flap, right? You have to go
to the backed up mail queues and stare at them and try to pattern
match that a lot of these are from yahoo, and oh look they're
deferred?, wait, inside the queue files you can find this "421
Deferred due to user complaints see URL" which then leads you to a
form to fill out and you're still not sure what exactly you're
pursuing other than hoping you can make it go away either by your
action or theirs.

Gak, there isn't even a standard code which means MAILBOX FULL or
ACCOUNT NOT RECEIVING MAIL other than MAILBOX FULL, maybe by choice,
maybe non-payment, as specific as a site is comfortable with.

That's what I mean by standards and at least trying to focus on what
can be done rather than the endless retelling of what can't be done.

More specific and standardized SMTP failure codes are just one example
but I think they illustrate the point I'm trying to make.

Oh yeah here's another (ok maybe somewhere this is written down), how
about agreeing on contact mailboxes like we did with

Is it ***@domain or ***@domain or ***@domain or
***@domain (very commonly used) or ???@domain. Who cares? But
let's pick ONE, stuff it in an RFC or BCP and try to get each other to
conform to it.

-Barry Shein

The World | ***@TheWorld.com | http://www.TheWorld.com
Purveyors to the Trade | Voice: 800-THE-WRLD | Login: Nationwide
Software Tool & Die | Public Access Internet | SINCE 1989 *oo*
Rob Szarka
2008-04-13 19:17:31 UTC
At 02:18 PM 4/13/2008, Barry Shein wrote:
>Is it ***@domain or ***@domain or ***@domain or
>***@domain (very commonly used) or ???@domain. Who cares? But
>let's pick ONE, stuff it in an RFC or BCP and try to get each other to
>conform to it.

***@domain is *already* specified (in RFC 2142).

Granted, separating reports of email abuse from those for other forms
of abuse might be useful for large providers, but since we can't even
get many domains even to set up the already-specified abuse@ address,
much less read the mail we send to it, I'm not convinced that it
would help. OTOH, many email providers seem to think it's my job to
know what their internal organization is and re-route email to some
spam-specific email reporting address. While that is just rude and
ignorant behavior in my book, at least having a single standardized
address would be an improvement...
Barry Shein
2008-04-13 20:09:41 UTC
On April 13, 2008 at 15:17 ***@szarka.org (Rob Szarka) wrote:
> At 02:18 PM 4/13/2008, Barry Shein wrote:
> >Is it ***@domain or ***@domain or ***@domain or
> >***@domain (very commonly used) or ???@domain. Who cares? But
> >let's pick ONE, stuff it in an RFC or BCP and try to get each other to
> >conform to it.
> ***@domain is *already* specified (in RFC 2142).

Thank you. Perhaps that's why I prefaced that paragraph with:

Oh yeah here's another (ok maybe somewhere this is written down), how
about agreeing on contact mailboxes like we did with

but you for some reason elided it.

Well, difficult to resist quibbling an example I suppose.

-Barry Shein

The World | ***@TheWorld.com | http://www.TheWorld.com
Purveyors to the Trade | Voice: 800-THE-WRLD | Login: Nationwide
Software Tool & Die | Public Access Internet | SINCE 1989 *oo*
2008-04-13 20:41:25 UTC
> of abuse might be useful for large providers, but since we can't even
> get many domains even to set up the already-specified abuse@ address, much
> less read the mail we send to it,

When someone like AOL offloads their user complaints of spams to all the
abuse@ addresses instead of verifying that they actually are spams before
sending off complaints, is it any surprise that everyone else is refusing to
do their jobs for them?

The reason abuse@ addresses are useless is because what is being sent to
them is useless.

George Roettger
Netlink Services
Rob Szarka
2008-04-13 23:13:05 UTC
At 04:41 PM 4/13/2008, Geo. wrote:
>>of abuse might be useful for large providers, but since we can't even
>>get many domains even to set up the already-specified abuse@
>>address, much less read the mail we send to it,
>When someone like AOL offloads their user complaints of spams to all
>the abuse@ addresses instead of verifying that they actually are
>spams before sending off complaints, is it any surprise that
>everyone else is refusing to do their jobs for them?

I'm not sure I know what you mean. Are you talking about the optional
feedback loop? When I was signed up for that I did get a bunch of
bogus reports, but other than that I've never received a spam report
from AOL at all.

>The reason abuse@ addresses are useless is because what is being
>sent to them is useless.

I'm sure that a lot of useless reports come in--my servers never
originate spam, but we still get the occasional bogus report due to
forged headers. At the same time, I certainly send dozens of real
spam reports every day and they all contain actionable information
(that would be supplemented further if an actual human were to ask).
What I've found is that "too big to fail" ISPs respond (if they
accept the email at all!) with either an automated response or a
canned response from a help desk monkey who is actually wrong close
to half the time, while many boutique providers and most US-based
.edu sites respond personally and cluefully. (Don't get me started
about the US government, especially the military...)

My conclusion is that the problem is not crappy reports but rather
under-investment in clue at big ISP help desks. All the fancy
standards and tools in the world are not going to help this basic
problem: stemming the tide of abuse from their networks is simply not
a high enough priority for companies like Yahoo, Hotmail, AT&T, et
al. Until they start losing money every time spam leaves their
network, I don't see their behavior changing.
Dave Dennis
2008-04-13 23:15:41 UTC
On Sun, 13 Apr 2008, Geo. wrote:

> > of abuse might be useful for large providers, but since we can't even
> > get many domains even to set up the already-specified abuse@ address, much
> > less read the mail we send to it,
> When someone like AOL offloads their user complaints of spams to all the
> abuse@ addresses instead of verifying that they actually are spams before
> sending off complaints, is it any surprise that everyone else is refusing to
> do their jobs for them?
> The reason abuse@ addresses are useless is because what is being sent to
> them is useless.

As one that works for a company that makes full use of complaints sent to it,
abuse@ addresses are not useless, far from it. Please don't get the idea that
because some think they're useless, it therefore is universal. We also get
100s of AOL feedbacks a day, which are filtered separately. Also not useless.
And we've also reported incidents to other companies' abuse functions, and had
them be resolved same-day because of it. Also, far from useless.

How about if you're not actively in an abuse function, you hold off on declaring
the function useless, cause the meme could catch on that it is, even if it's
not, and I've yet to see an automated filtering/blocking system fully replace or
completely obsolete a good trained network operator who understands what is and
is not abuse on the network.

-Dave D
Raymond L. Corbin
2008-04-14 00:18:57 UTC
I agree that they aren't completely useless. From our environment the abuse desks can be somewhat overwhelmed though. If you setup feedback loops for networks size of
1x /16
2x /17
2x /18
1x /19
to receive abuse complaints on dedicated / collocated customers you do get a some good complaints. Some of the time it is from compromised scripts, sometimes actual spammers, but most of the time it is from forwarded spam. This makes the abuse desk full of thousands and thousands of complaints. You can look in the headers of the spam complaints and see that it is forwarded spam, but it is still overhead. So signing up for a feedback loop for the entire network with something like Yahoo! can be burdensome and make abuse@ full of useless complaints. This isn't the problem I suppose in most environments, but it is in mine. Yahoo! blocking entire /24's are not necessarily a large problem, the larger problem is

A. they don't tell you when it is blocked (I don't believe it would be hard to email the abuse@ contact of the IP address range..)

B. their 'Bulk Mail Advocates' say they cannot tell what IP's are generating the /24 block once it is in place (perhaps it can be prior to the block?).

C. They offer no way to exempt certain IP addresses to be exempted from the /24 'de-prioritization'. This means the smaller companies who send maybe 3 or 4 emails to Yahoo a day are having difficulty and there's nothing you can do until the issue with the entire /24 is solved.

Administrators who actually find ways to get in touch with Yahoo to resolve issues are hindered by Yahoo's stance of 'It's coming from your network, you should be able to monitor it and figure it out'. In a dedicated/colo environment I don't think it is really reasonable to expect companies login to each server in a /24 to see who is sending mail to Yahoo. And even if they are sending mail to Yahoo were not psychic so we cannot tell what their users are marking as spam and what's not. I suppose the feedback loop would say that but...then abuse@ is flooded with complaints that are mostly mutual customers fault. Chances are if a server is sending spam to Yahoo they are sending it to quite a few other places as well which do actively report it.


-----Original Message-----
From: owner-***@merit.edu [mailto:owner-***@merit.edu] On Behalf Of Dave Dennis
Sent: Sunday, April 13, 2008 7:16 PM
To: Geo.
Cc: ***@merit.edu
Subject: Re: Problems sending mail to yahoo?

On Sun, 13 Apr 2008, Geo. wrote:

> > of abuse might be useful for large providers, but since we can't even
> > get many domains even to set up the already-specified abuse@ address, much
> > less read the mail we send to it,
> When someone like AOL offloads their user complaints of spams to all the
> abuse@ addresses instead of verifying that they actually are spams before
> sending off complaints, is it any surprise that everyone else is refusing to
> do their jobs for them?
> The reason abuse@ addresses are useless is because what is being sent to
> them is useless.

As one that works for a company that makes full use of complaints sent to it,
abuse@ addresses are not useless, far from it. Please don't get the idea that
because some think they're useless, it therefore is universal. We also get
100s of AOL feedbacks a day, which are filtered separately. Also not useless.
And we've also reported incidents to other companies' abuse functions, and had
them be resolved same-day because of it. Also, far from useless.

How about if you're not actively in an abuse function, you hold off on declaring
the function useless, cause the meme could catch on that it is, even if it's
not, and I've yet to see an automated filtering/blocking system fully replace or
completely obsolete a good trained network operator who understands what is and
is not abuse on the network.

-Dave D
Suresh Ramasubramanian
2008-04-14 03:29:38 UTC
1. They are not complaints as such. They are what AOL users click report spam on

2. They are sent in a standard format - http://www.mipassoc.org/arf/ -
and if you weed out the obvious (separate forwarding traffic out
through another IP, and ditto for bounce traffic), then you will find
that - for actual ISPs - actual spam reports will far outweigh the
amount of misclicked reports.

3. As I said, its in ARF and that's machine parseable and you can get
stats from it.

On Mon, Apr 14, 2008 at 2:11 AM, Geo. <***@nls.net> wrote:
> When someone like AOL offloads their user complaints of spams to all the
> abuse@ addresses instead of verifying that they actually are spams before
> sending off complaints, is it any surprise that everyone else is refusing to
> do their jobs for them?
> The reason abuse@ addresses are useless is because what is being sent to
> them is useless.
Tony Finch
2008-04-14 15:50:18 UTC
On Sun, 13 Apr 2008, Barry Shein wrote:
> For example, and it's only an example don't quibble the example,
> defining a list of return SMTP codes which are actually specific and
> meaningful like (let's assume they should be 5xx, maybe 7xx would be a
> better start? Policy failure codes)
> [...]
> and so on, a taxonomy which could then at least be dealt with
> intelligently by sending MTAs and supporting software rather than each
> side cooking up their own stuff.

See RFC 3463. Unfortunately it doesn't help much to solve the problem it
was designed for. I ranted about this a while back...

f.anthony.n.finch <***@dotat.at> http://dotat.at/
Joe Greco
2008-04-13 19:24:44 UTC
> Gak, there isn't even a standard code which means MAILBOX FULL or
> ACCOUNT NOT RECEIVING MAIL other than MAILBOX FULL, maybe by choice,
> maybe non-payment, as specific as a site is comfortable with.
> That's what I mean by standards and at least trying to focus on what
> can be done rather than the endless retelling of what can't be done.

I would have thought it was obvious, but to see this sort of enlightened
ignorance(*) suggests that it isn't: The current methods of spam filtering
require a certain level of opaqueness.

Having just watched the gory hashing through of how $MEGAISP deals with
filtering on another list, I was amazed that the prevailing stance among
mailbox hosters is that they don't really care about principles, and that
they mostly care about whether or not users complain.

For example, I feel very strongly that if a user signs up for a list, and
then doesn't like it, it isn't the sender's fault, and the mail isn't spam.
Now, if the user revokes permission to mail, and the sender keeps sending,
that's covered as spam under most reasonable definitions, but that's not
what we're talking about here.

To expect senders to have psychic knowledge of what any individual recipient
is or is not going to like is insane. Yet that's what current expectations
appear to boil down to.

So, on one hand, we have the "filtering by heuristics," which require a
level of opaqueness, because if you respond "567 BODY contained www.sex.com,
mail blocked" to their mail, you have given the spammer feedback to get
around the spam.

And on the other hand, we have the "filtering by statistics," which requires
a large userbase and probably a "This Is Spam" button, where you use a
complaint driven model to reject mail, but this is severely complicated
because users have also been trained to report as spam any other mail that
they don't want, which definitely includes even things that they've opted
in to.

So you have two opaque components to filtering. And senders are
deliberately left guessing - is the problem REALLY that a mailbox is full,
or am I getting greylisted in some odd manner?

Filtering stinks. It is resource-intensive, time-consuming, error-prone,
and pretty much an example of something that is desperately flagging "the
current e-mail system is failing."

You want to define standards? Let's define some standard for establishing
permission to mail. If we could solve the permission problem, then the
filtering wouldn't be such a problem, because there wouldn't need to be as
much (or maybe even any). As a user, I want a way to unambiguously allow
a specific sender to send me things, "spam" filtering be damned. I also
want a way to retract that permission, and have the mail flow from that
sender (or any of their "affiliates") to stop.

Right now I've got a solution that allows me to do that, but it requires a
significant paradigm change, away from single-e-mail-address.

Addressing "standards" of the sort you suggest is relatively meaningless
in the bigger picture, I think. Nice, but not that important.

(*) It's enlightened to hope for standards that would allow remote sites
to have some vague concept of what the problem is. I respect that.
It just seems to be at odds with current reality.

> More specific and standardized SMTP failure codes are just one example
> but I think they illustrate the point I'm trying to make.
> Oh yeah here's another (ok maybe somewhere this is written down), how
> about agreeing on contact mailboxes like we did with
> ***@domain?

Yeah, like that's actually implemented or useful at a majority of domains.

> Is it ***@domain or ***@domain or ***@domain or
> ***@domain (very commonly used) or ???@domain. Who cares? But
> let's pick ONE, stuff it in an RFC or BCP and try to get each other to
> conform to it.

Having defined methods for contacting people OOB would be nice. IFF (and
often/mostly they don't) anyone cared to actually try to resolve individual
problems. Don't expect them to want to, because for the most part, they do
not. Sigh.

... JG
Joe Greco - sol.net Network Services - Milwaukee, WI - http://www.sol.net
"We call it the 'one bite at the apple' rule. Give me one chance [and] then I
won't contact you again." - Direct Marketing Ass'n position on e-mail spam(CNN)
With 24 million small businesses in the US alone, that's way too many apples.
Barry Shein
2008-04-13 20:40:14 UTC
On April 13, 2008 at 14:24 ***@ns.sol.net (Joe Greco) wrote:
> I would have thought it was obvious, but to see this sort of enlightened
> ignorance(*) suggests that it isn't: The current methods of spam filtering
> require a certain level of opaqueness.

Indeed, that must be the problem.

But then you proceed to suggest:

> So, on one hand, we have the "filtering by heuristics," which require a
> level of opaqueness, because if you respond "567 BODY contained www.sex.com,
> mail blocked" to their mail, you have given the spammer feedback to get
> around the spam.

Giving the spammer feedback?

In the first place, I think s/he/it knows what domain they're using if
they're following bounces at all. Perhaps they have to guess among
whether it was the sender, body string, sending MTA, but really that's
about it and given one of those four often being randomly generated
(sender) and another (sender MTA) deducible by seeing if multiple
sources were blocked on the same email...my arithmetic says you're
down to about two plus or minus.

But even that is naive since spammers of the sort anyone should bother
worrying about use massive bot armies numbering O(million) and
generally, and of necessity, use fire and forget sending techniques.

Perhaps you have no conception of the amount of spam the major
offenders send out. It's on the order of 100B/day, at least.

That's why you and your aunt bessie and all the people on this list
get the same exact spam. Because they're being sent out in the
hundreds of billions. Per day.

Now, what exactly do you base your interesting theory that spammers
analyze return codes to improve their techniques for sending through
your own specific (not general) mail blocks? Sure they do some
bayesian scrambling and so forth but that's general and will work on
zillions of sites running spamassassin or similar so that's worthwhile
to them.

But what, exactly, do you base your interesting theory that if a site
returned "567 BODY contained www.sex.com" that spammers in general and
such that it's worthy of concern would use this information to tune
their efforts?

This is not an existence proof, one example is not sufficient, it has
to be evidence worthy of concern given O(100 billion) spams per day
overwhelmingly sent by botnets which are the actual core of the actual

I say you're guessing, and not very convincingly either.

> So you have two opaque components to filtering. And senders are
> deliberately left guessing - is the problem REALLY that a mailbox is full,
> or am I getting greylisted in some odd manner?

Except that most sites return some indication that a mailbox is
full. It's just unfortunately in the realm of heuristics.

But look into popular mailing list software packages (mailman,
majordomo) and you'll see modules for classifying bounce backs
heuristically and automatic list removal (or not if it seems like a
temporary failure, e.g., mailbox full.)

> Filtering stinks. It is resource-intensive, time-consuming, error-prone,
> and pretty much an example of something that is desperately flagging "the
> current e-mail system is failing."

And standardized return codes (for example) will make this worse, how?

> You want to define standards? Let's define some standard for establishing
> permission to mail. If we could solve the permission problem, then the
> filtering wouldn't be such a problem, because there wouldn't need to be as
> much (or maybe even any). As a user, I want a way to unambiguously allow
> a specific sender to send me things, "spam" filtering be damned. I also
> want a way to retract that permission, and have the mail flow from that
> sender (or any of their "affiliates") to stop.

Sure, but this is pie in the sky.

For starters you'd have to get the spammers to conform which would
almost certainly take a design which was very difficult not to conform
to, it would have to be technologically involuntary. Whitelists are
the closest I can think of but they haven't been very popular and for
good reasons.

Anyhow, the entire planet awaits your design.

A set of standardized return codes was carefully chosen by me as
something which could be (other than the standards process itself)
adopted practically overnight and with virtually zero backwards
compatability problems (oh there'll always be an exception.)

> Right now I've got a solution that allows me to do that, but it requires a
> significant paradigm change, away from single-e-mail-address.

There's nothing new in disposable, single-use addresses (or credit
card numbers for that matter, a different realm) if that's what you
mean but if you have something more clever the world (i.e., the big
round you see when you look down) is your oyster.

> Addressing "standards" of the sort you suggest is relatively meaningless
> in the bigger picture, I think. Nice, but not that important.

Well, first you'd have to indicate that you actually have a view of
the problem which supports such a judgment.

At any rate you're quibbling the example as I forewarned.

But standardizing receiving MTA fail codes is, I suspect, more useful
than you give them credit. It would be some progress at little to no
cost in the large.

It deals less with spam filtering and more with effective MTA to MTA

At least it's sticking to the realm of improving standards in a way
that can be accomplished.

I don't see how I could have given a better example without a lot of
hand-waving and vagaries.

-Barry Shein

The World | ***@TheWorld.com | http://www.TheWorld.com
Purveyors to the Trade | Voice: 800-THE-WRLD | Login: Nationwide
Software Tool & Die | Public Access Internet | SINCE 1989 *oo*
Kevin Day
2008-04-14 01:00:14 UTC
On Apr 13, 2008, at 2:24 PM, Joe Greco wrote:
> For example, I feel very strongly that if a user signs up for a
> list, and
> then doesn't like it, it isn't the sender's fault, and the mail
> isn't spam.
> Now, if the user revokes permission to mail, and the sender keeps
> sending,
> that's covered as spam under most reasonable definitions, but that's
> not
> what we're talking about here.
> To expect senders to have psychic knowledge of what any individual
> recipient
> is or is not going to like is insane. Yet that's what current
> expectations
> appear to boil down to.

This is actually becoming a method some groups are using to attempt to
censor others. This happened to one of our customers a while back:

Site A publishes some things that Group B finds objectionable. Group B
wants to get it removed, but it's not illegal, against the hosting
company's TOS or copyright infringement.
Group B tells all of it's members to go to Site A and sign up for A's
discussion forum, using as many email addresses as they own.
A user registers for an account (one email sent to the user to confirm
their email address). The user clicks the confirmation link, then gets
an introductory email.
The user then does everything possible on the site that could generate
emails. Password changes. "Notify me by email when the forum has a new
post" activated. Sending private messages to each other. Etc.
When they've got thousands of users signed up, each with between 6 and
20 emails from Site A, Group B tells all of its users to go through
all the emails and click "Report as Spam" on every one of them.
Every mail provider out there suddenly sees tens of thousands of
reported spams coming from Site A from a wide range of people, and can
independently verify that other sources are seeing elevated levels of
spam from Site A's mail server.
Everyone blocks mail from Site A, thinking it's a spam source.

This took an insane amount of time to sort out. If the organizer of
"Group B" hadn't emailed me personally confirming (and bragging) about
what they had done, I still probably wouldn't have believed it. Our
AOL feedback loop took days to go through, and contacting every
blacklist we had our mail server entered on and convincing them of our
story was difficult to put it mildly. And to make this mildly on-
topic, we resolved this somewhat quickly with every provider except
Yahoo - which never responded to any of our emails or form submissions.

Then there are the users who apparently think the "Report as Spam"
button is like a spare for the "Delete" button, and use them
interchangeably... We regularly have users who sign up for a mailing
list, click the opt-in confirmation link, then report the confirmation
email as spam. We remove them from the mailing list, then they
complain they aren't getting their list anymore. We reply back
explaining why they were removed, and they report our reply as spam.

-- Kevin
2008-04-14 08:36:33 UTC
> Filtering stinks. It is resource-intensive, time-consuming,
> error-prone, and pretty much an example of something that is
> desperately flagging "the current e-mail system is failing."

Hear, hear!

> You want to define standards? Let's define some standard for
> establishing permission to mail. If we could solve the
> permission problem, then the filtering wouldn't be such a
> problem, because there wouldn't need to be as much (or maybe
> even any). As a user, I want a way to unambiguously allow a
> specific sender to send me things, "spam" filtering be
> damned. I also want a way to retract that permission, and
> have the mail flow from that sender (or any of their
> "affiliates") to stop.
> Right now I've got a solution that allows me to do that, but
> it requires a significant paradigm change, away from
> single-e-mail-address.

In general, your "permission to send" idea is a good one to
put in the requirements list for a standard email architecture.
But your particular solution stinks because it simply adds
another bandage to a creaky old email architecture that is
long past its sell-by date.

IMHO, the only way that Internet email can be cleaned up is
to create an entirely new email architecture using an entirely
new set of protcols with entirely new port assignments and
no attempt whatsoever to maintain reverse compatibility with
the existing architecture. That is a fair piece of work and
requires a lot of people to get their heads out of the box
and apply some creativity. Many will say that the effort is
doomed before it starts because it is not compatible with
what went before. I don't buy that argument at all.

In any case, a new architecture won't come about until we have
some clarity of the requirements of the new architecture. And
that probably has to be hashed out somewhere else, not on any
existing mailing list.

--Michael Dillon
Martin Hannigan
2008-04-14 14:30:20 UTC

Can we wrap the mail threads up or at least move them over to their
respective best-places like zorch, nsp-sec, spam-l, asrg, or
yet-another-favorite-list-for-spam-religion? We've gone far beyond
typical mass-mail operations.

Best Regards,


Martin Hannigan http://www.verneglobal.com/
Verne Global Datacenters e: ***@verneglobal.com
Keflavik, Iceland p: +16178216079
Randy Bush
2008-04-14 16:55:31 UTC
> Can we wrap the mail threads up

actually, i am still learning from some of them.

i have a hypothesis to add

nanog list volume is proportional to

S + E

where S is the amount of Slack time the active members have and
E is the existence of a significant Event

in the absence of a significant event, volume is directly driven by the
amount of free time we have at the tube. as there is no event to
discuss, we will discuss whatever is kinda interesting, often the same
subjects. after all, this is a discussion forum, not a current news desk.

if an operational event ocurrs, discussion of it quickly predominates
over the S component. if we could watch this happening, we might even
learn something interesting about information flow in our culture, as
the wavefront of the E information causes posters attention to move.

and, in the absence of an E, and S being diverted to to actual paid
work, volume goes down. as pfs mentioned this eve, some time in the
last months, the shortage of E and S was so severe that someone posted
an "is the list working" test message.

Martin Hannigan
2008-04-14 17:14:40 UTC
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Randy Bush [mailto:***@psg.com]
> Sent: Monday, April 14, 2008 12:56 PM
> To: Martin Hannigan
> Cc: ***@merit.edu
> Subject: nanog volume (was: Problems sending mail to yahoo?)
> > Can we wrap the mail threads up
> actually, i am still learning from some of them.

Great, I'll stop the world.

Joe Greco
2008-04-13 22:58:58 UTC
> On April 13, 2008 at 14:24 ***@ns.sol.net (Joe Greco) wrote:
> > I would have thought it was obvious, but to see this sort of enlightened
> > ignorance(*) suggests that it isn't: The current methods of spam filtering
> > require a certain level of opaqueness.
> Indeed, that must be the problem.
> But then you proceed to suggest:
> > So, on one hand, we have the "filtering by heuristics," which require a
> > level of opaqueness, because if you respond "567 BODY contained www.sex.com,
> > mail blocked" to their mail, you have given the spammer feedback to get
> > around the spam.
> Giving the spammer feedback?
> In the first place, I think s/he/it knows what domain they're using if
> they're following bounces at all. Perhaps they have to guess among
> whether it was the sender, body string, sending MTA, but really that's
> about it and given one of those four often being randomly generated
> (sender) and another (sender MTA) deducible by seeing if multiple
> sources were blocked on the same email...my arithmetic says you're
> down to about two plus or minus.

In many (even most) cases, that is only useful if you're sending a lot of
mail towards a single source, a variable which introduces yet *another*
ambiguity, since volume is certainly a factor in blocking decisions.
Further, if you look at the average mail message, you have domains based
on multiple factors, such as services to do open tracking (1x1/invisible
pixels, etc), branding, and many other reasons that there could be more
than a single domain in a single message. Further, once you're being
blocked, it may be implemented by-IP even though there was some other
metric that triggered the block.

Having records that allow a sender to go back and unilaterally determine
what was amiss may not be considered desirable by the receiving site.

> But even that is naive since spammers of the sort anyone should bother
> worrying about use massive bot armies numbering O(million) and
> generally, and of necessity, use fire and forget sending techniques.

Do you mean to suggest that your definition of "spammer" only includes
senders using massive bot armies? That'd be mostly pill spammers,
phishers, and other really shady operators. There are whole other classes
of spam and spammer.

> Perhaps you have no conception of the amount of spam the major
> offenders send out. It's on the order of 100B/day, at least.

I have some idea. However, I will concede that my conception of current
spam volumes is based mostly on what I'm able to quantify, which is the
~4-8GB/day of spam we receive here.

> That's why you and your aunt bessie and all the people on this list
> get the same exact spam. Because they're being sent out in the
> hundreds of billions. Per day.

Actually, we see significant variation in spam received per address.

> Now, what exactly do you base your interesting theory that spammers
> analyze return codes to improve their techniques for sending through
> your own specific (not general) mail blocks? Sure they do some
> bayesian scrambling and so forth but that's general and will work on
> zillions of sites running spamassassin or similar so that's worthwhile
> to them.

I'm sure that if you were to talk to the Postmasters at any major ISP/mail
provider, especially ones like AOL, Hotmail, Yahoo, and Earthlink, that
you would discover that they're familiar with businesses which claim to be
in the business of "enhancing deliverability."

However, what I'm saying was pretty much the inverse of the theory that you
attribute to me: I'm saying that receivers often do NOT provide feedback
detailing the specifics of why a block happened. As a matter of fact, I
think I can say that the most common feedback provided in the mail world
would be notice of listing on a DNS blocking list, and this is primarily
because the default code and examples for implementation usually provide
some feedback about the source (or, at least, source DNSBL) of the block.

You'll see generic guidance such as the Yahoo! error message that started
this thread ("temporarily deferred due to user complaints", IIRC), but
that's not particularly helpful, now, is it. It doesn't tell you which
user, or how many complaints, etc.

> But what, exactly, do you base your interesting theory that if a site
> returned "567 BODY contained www.sex.com" that spammers in general and
> such that it's worthy of concern would use this information to tune
> their efforts?

Because there are businesses out there that claim to do that very sort of
thing, except that they do it by actually sending mail and then checking
canary e-mail boxes on the receiving site to measure effectiveness of their
delivery strategy. Failures result in further tuning.

Being able to simply analyze error messages would result in a huge boost
for their effectiveness, since they would essentially be able to monitor
the deliverability of entire mail runs, rather than assuming that the
deliverability percentage of their canaries, plus any open tracking,
indicated the actual delivery success rate.

I would have expected this to be stunningly obvious to anyone discussing

> This is not an existence proof, one example is not sufficient, it has
> to be evidence worthy of concern given O(100 billion) spams per day
> overwhelmingly sent by botnets which are the actual core of the actual
> problem.

No, it doesn't. Don't be silly. There are spammers who are flooding the
system, and hope to get mail through using sheer bulk. These guys aren't
caring to stick around and listen to the result code. They've got their
infected PC armies with however many hundreds of threads of spam-blasting
gooness they can squeeze out of each, and they're pounding the hell out
of recipients. They have a vested interest in not being easy to track
back, so that's why we get so much fun broken spam with broken payloads.
OBVIOUSLY they're not going to be listening for result codes.

But that doesn't mean that every spammer works that way. There are entire
e-mail service providers based on the principles of sending vast amounts
of non-opt-in email. Spamhaus has a lot of information on the biggest of
these. They exist.

> I say you're guessing, and not very convincingly either.

I'm not guessing. Go visit Spamhaus.

> > So you have two opaque components to filtering. And senders are
> > deliberately left guessing - is the problem REALLY that a mailbox is full,
> > or am I getting greylisted in some odd manner?
> Except that most sites return some indication that a mailbox is
> full. It's just unfortunately in the realm of heuristics.

There are sites that return "mailbox full" for a variety of cases.

> But look into popular mailing list software packages (mailman,
> majordomo) and you'll see modules for classifying bounce backs
> heuristically and automatic list removal (or not if it seems like a
> temporary failure, e.g., mailbox full.)

Right. Except that it's quite a bit more complex than that. A typical
E-Mail Service Provider ("ESP") has an extensive system for dealing with
known brokenness at various mailbox providers, and very few ESP's are
willing to drop a subscriber from a list for a single bounce.

Now, of course, ESP's range from the whitehat (for those who missed it,
Rodney Joffe founded "whitehat.com" a long time ago) to the greys, and
all the way on down to the blackhats. There are certainly a lot of ESP's
that attempt to implement various levels of "opt in" and "permission
based" e-mailing, but there are also those that pretty much spam

Bounce processing is complicated for them all. Even the blackhats have
significant cause to carefully analyze return codes and try to divine
some greater meaning, because if they get blocked, their delivery rates
go down.

> > Filtering stinks. It is resource-intensive, time-consuming, error-prone,
> > and pretty much an example of something that is desperately flagging "the
> > current e-mail system is failing."
> And standardized return codes (for example) will make this worse, how?

Standardized return codes (assuming any meaningful amount of detail was
included) would make it easier for spammers to determine how their mail
was being filtered, and to evade accordingly.

That's a tragedy, because for legitimate senders, it means that they /also/
do not get automatic feedback on what they could do differently.

I *suspect* that avoiding providing too much feedback may be why a certain
percentage of e-mail simply vanishes at certain mailbox providers (cough,
Hotmail, cough).

> > You want to define standards? Let's define some standard for establishing
> > permission to mail. If we could solve the permission problem, then the
> > filtering wouldn't be such a problem, because there wouldn't need to be as
> > much (or maybe even any). As a user, I want a way to unambiguously allow
> > a specific sender to send me things, "spam" filtering be damned. I also
> > want a way to retract that permission, and have the mail flow from that
> > sender (or any of their "affiliates") to stop.
> Sure, but this is pie in the sky.

Sure. :-)

> For starters you'd have to get the spammers to conform which would
> almost certainly take a design which was very difficult not to conform
> to, it would have to be technologically involuntary. Whitelists are
> the closest I can think of but they haven't been very popular and for
> good reasons.

Sure. The spammers stand to lose. Given a system where end users can
revoke permission, they know that end users will. The current system,
even at 99% rejection rates, is preferable because they can get through
to a small percentage.

Unfortunately, legitimate senders suffer under the current model.

> Anyhow, the entire planet awaits your design.

I didn't say I had a design. Certainly there are solutions to the
problem, but any solution I'm aware of involves paradigm changes of
some sort, changes that apparently few are willing to make.

> A set of standardized return codes was carefully chosen by me as
> something which could be (other than the standards process itself)
> adopted practically overnight and with virtually zero backwards
> compatability problems (oh there'll always be an exception.)

Sure. Anyone could do this. It's trivial. Perhaps there's a reason
that virtually no one implements something like this. (Hm!)

> > Right now I've got a solution that allows me to do that, but it requires a
> > significant paradigm change, away from single-e-mail-address.
> There's nothing new in disposable, single-use addresses (or credit
> card numbers for that matter, a different realm) if that's what you
> mean but if you have something more clever the world (i.e., the big
> round you see when you look down) is your oyster.

I'm currently working towards a model where I deploy an address per site,
which isn't a single-use model by any means. As a matter of fact, it's
a model that allows that address to be "shared" (even abusively) by the
senders, but at the point I decide to revoke permission, permission goes
away for _everyone_ sending to that address. So it _is_ disposable, in
the conventional sense.

It brings the permission control aspect back squarely under my control,
not under some random ESP's decision about whether or not to send to me.

Consider the benefits for deliverability if a major ISP implemented
something like this. Provide a facility for users to be able to get
disposable addresses (preferably ones where the "disposable" portion
could be handled prior to hitting the mail server, i.e. in DNS), and
then guarantee to both users and senders that no mail sent to these
addresses would be subject to spam filtering, rate limits, or other
arbitrary things, on the basis that the subscriber clearly asked for
the material. Revocation of permission would be available to the user,
through the simple process of eliminating the DNS record for that
particular disposable address.

Quite frankly, this is almost the scenario that started me on this in
the first place, because I was having such a devil of a time with getting
our anti-spam measures to not trip on invoices and other "legitimate"
stuff that arrives here, much of which is nearly indistinguishable, at the
machine level, from spam.

Despite being a viable solution to a large portion of the e-mail
deliverability puzzle, my best guess is that no ISP actually wants to
incur the cost and support hit of trying to get their users to use such
a system. The current system, where users simply sigh and accept that
they may not get their e-mail, is apparently preferable. It's certainly
easier. Lower the expectations rather than try to fix the problem.

That's fine, but then I'd really like them to be honest about it, and just
admit that they're not so concerned about actually delivering desired mail
as they are about keeping their costs as low as possible (etc.)

> > Addressing "standards" of the sort you suggest is relatively meaningless
> > in the bigger picture, I think. Nice, but not that important.
> Well, first you'd have to indicate that you actually have a view of
> the problem which supports such a judgment.
> At any rate you're quibbling the example as I forewarned.
> But standardizing receiving MTA fail codes is, I suspect, more useful
> than you give them credit. It would be some progress at little to no
> cost in the large.

By all means, then. Go ahead. You'll amaze me if you can actually get
this implemented at any major ISP or mailbox provider. It would be nice
for my cold and cynical viewpoints to be disproven, rather than to be
proven as too optimistic.

> It deals less with spam filtering and more with effective MTA to MTA
> operation.

That's not how the large ISP/mailbox providers will see it.

> At least it's sticking to the realm of improving standards in a way
> that can be accomplished.
> I don't see how I could have given a better example without a lot of
> hand-waving and vagaries.

Look, I certainly agree that it'd be *nice*, but there are lots of things
that are *nice* that aren't going to happen. Shall we beat the BCP38
horse any further?

There's a long history of things that would be nice that never come to
pass. I've already written off reliable deliverability at large ISP's as
one of those things. I'm now looking towards solutions to enable reliable
deliverability at smaller sites where principles might still matter enough
that people haven't completely written off e-mail as unusable.

... JG
Joe Greco - sol.net Network Services - Milwaukee, WI - http://www.sol.net
"We call it the 'one bite at the apple' rule. Give me one chance [and] then I
won't contact you again." - Direct Marketing Ass'n position on e-mail spam(CNN)
With 24 million small businesses in the US alone, that's way too many apples.
Barry Shein
2008-04-14 00:04:12 UTC
Massive quoting gets old fast so I'll try to summarize and if I
misrepresent your POV in any way my profuse apologies in advance.

First and foremost let me say that if we had a vote here tomorrow on
the spam problem I suspect you'd win but that's because most people,
even (especially) people who believe themselves to be technically
knowledgeable, hold a lot of misconceptions about spam. So much for

I say the core problem in spam are the botnets capable of delivering
on the order of 100 billion msgs/day.

You say there are other kinds of spammers.

I'll agree but if we got rid of or incapacitated the massive botnets
that would be a trickle, manageable, and hardly be worth fussing
about, particularly on an operational list.

The reason is that without the botnets the spammers don't have address
mobility. You could just block their servers.

But if we don't agree on those points then we're talking past each

I assert that the problem are the massive O(100B) botnet spammers and
they simply don't have the resources or interest really (because they
don't have the resources or business model) to do things like analyze
return codes etc as you describe.

So it's doubtful to me that returning more meaningful return codes in
SMTP rejections would be of much use to them.

It's also not of much use to them, as I previously described, even if
they tried. They could deduce about the same information for about the
same "price" without the return codes.

But any such return codes should be voluntary, particularly the
details, and a receiving MTA should be free to respond with as much or
as little information as they are comfortable with right down to the
big red button, "421 it just ain't happenin' bub!"

But it was just an example of how perhaps some standards, particularly
regarding mail rejection, might help operationally. I'm not pushing
the particular example I gave of extending status codes.

Also, again I can't claim to know what you're working on, but there
are quite a few "disposable" address systems in production which use
various variations such as one per sender, one per message, change it
only when you want to, etc. But maybe you have something better, I
encourage you to pursue your vision.

And, finally, one quote:

>I didn't say I had a design. Certainly there are solutions to the
>problem, but any solution I'm aware of involves paradigm changes of
>some sort, changes that apparently few are willing to make.

Gosh if you know of any FUSSP* whose only problem is that it requires
everyone on the internet to abandon SMTP entirely or similar by all
means share it.

Unfortunately this is a common hand-wave, "oh we could get rid of spam
overnight but it would require changes to (SMTP, usually) which would
take a decade or more to implement, if at all!"

Well, since it's already BEEN a decade or more that we've all been
fussing about spam in a big way maybe we should have listened to
people with a secret plan to end the war back in 1998. So I'm here to
tell ya I'll listen to it now and I suspect so will a lot of others.

* FUSSP - Final and Ultimate Solution to the Spam Problem.

-Barry Shein

The World | ***@TheWorld.com | http://www.TheWorld.com
Purveyors to the Trade | Voice: 800-THE-WRLD | Login: Nationwide
Software Tool & Die | Public Access Internet | SINCE 1989 *oo*
Steve Atkins
2008-04-14 00:27:05 UTC
On Apr 13, 2008, at 5:04 PM, Barry Shein wrote:
> Massive quoting gets old fast so I'll try to summarize and if I
> misrepresent your POV in any way my profuse apologies in advance.
> First and foremost let me say that if we had a vote here tomorrow on
> the spam problem I suspect you'd win but that's because most people,
> even (especially) people who believe themselves to be technically
> knowledgeable, hold a lot of misconceptions about spam. So much for
> democracy.
> I say the core problem in spam are the botnets capable of delivering
> on the order of 100 billion msgs/day.
> You say there are other kinds of spammers.
> I'll agree but if we got rid of or incapacitated the massive botnets
> that would be a trickle, manageable, and hardly be worth fussing
> about, particularly on an operational list.

> The reason is that without the botnets the spammers don't have address
> mobility. You could just block their servers.

Address mobility doesn't buy you that much. It's relatively easy to
detect, and block, IP addresses that source mail solely from spam-
botnets. (Not easy in the absolute sense, but easier than other problems
and, mostly, a solved one). Botnet sourced mail generally doesn't get
seen much by recipients at ISPs with competent spam filtering. It sure
cause other operational problems, but in terms of being a "spam problem"
it's not the biggest one out there.

Blocking unwanted mail from sources that send a mixture of wanted
and unwanted mail, while still allowing the wanted mail through is
extremely difficult, and a much, much harder problem for spam
mitigation to solve. And those are primarily the non-botnet sources.

Spam filtering at real ISPs with real recipients has to deal with the
fact that recipients do want to read some of the mail they're sent
from Gmail, Yahoo Groups, Topica and suchlike.

Rich Kulawiec
2008-04-14 03:48:31 UTC
On Sun, Apr 13, 2008 at 08:04:12PM -0400, Barry Shein wrote:

A number of things that are true, including:

> I say the core problem in spam are the botnets capable of delivering
> on the order of 100 billion msgs/day.

But I say the core problem is deeper. Spam is merely a symptom of an
underlying problem. (I'll admit that I often use the phrase "spam
problem" but that's somewhat misleading.)

The problem is pervasive poor security. Those botnets would not exist
were it not for nearly-ubiquitous deployment of an operating system that
cannot be secured -- and we know this because we've seen its own vendor
repeatedly try and repeatedly fail. But a miserable excuse for an OS is
just one of the causes; others have been covered by essays like Marcus
Ranum's "Six Dumbest Ideas in Security", so I won't attempt to enumerate
them all.

That underlying security problem gives us many symptoms: spam, phishing,
typosquatting, DDoS attacks, adware, spyware, viruses, worms, data
loss incidents, web site defacements, search engine gaming, DNS cache
poisoning, and a long list of others. Dealing with symptoms is good:
it makes the patient feel better. But it shouldn't be confused with
treatment of the disease. Even if we could snap our fingers and stop
all spam permanently tomorrow (a) it wouldn't do us much good and
(b) some other symptom would evolve to fill its niche in the abuse ecosystem.

A secondary point that actually might be more important:

We (and I really do mean 'we" because I've had a hand in this too)
have compounded our problems by our collective response -- summed up
beautifully on this very mailing list a while back thusly:

If you give people the means to hurt you, and they do it, and
you take no action except to continue giving them the means to
hurt you, and they take no action except to keep hurting you,
then one of the ways you can describe the situation is "it isn't
scaling well".
--- Paul Vixie on NANOG

We need to hold ourselves accountable for the security problems in
our own operations, and then we need to hold each other accountable.
This is very different from our strategy to date -- which, I submit,
has thoroughly proven itself to be a colossal failure.

Greg Skinner
2008-04-14 05:11:17 UTC
On Sun, Apr 13, 2008 at 11:48:31PM -0400, Rich Kulawiec wrote:
> On Sun, Apr 13, 2008 at 08:04:12PM -0400, Barry Shein wrote:
> A number of things that are true, including:
> > I say the core problem in spam are the botnets capable of delivering
> > on the order of 100 billion msgs/day.
> But I say the core problem is deeper. Spam is merely a symptom of an
> underlying problem. (I'll admit that I often use the phrase "spam
> problem" but that's somewhat misleading.)
> The problem is pervasive poor security. Those botnets would not exist
> were it not for nearly-ubiquitous deployment of an operating system that
> cannot be secured -- and we know this because we've seen its own vendor
> repeatedly try and repeatedly fail. But a miserable excuse for an OS is
> just one of the causes; others have been covered by essays like Marcus
> Ranum's "Six Dumbest Ideas in Security", so I won't attempt to enumerate
> them all.

Is there a (nontrivial) OS that can be secured inexpensively, ie. for
the price that is paid for by shoppers at your local big box outlet?
To me, that's as much the problem as anything else that's been written
so far. The Internet is what it is largely because that is what the
users (collectively) will pay for. Furthermore, it's not so much the
OS as it is the applications, which arguably might be more securable
if Joe and Jane User took the time to enable the security features
that are available for the OSes they buy. But that doesn't happen. I
don't blame Joe and Jane User; most nontechnical people do not view
their home or work systems as something more than an appliance for
getting work done or personal entertainment.

> A secondary point that actually might be more important:
> We (and I really do mean 'we" because I've had a hand in this too)
> have compounded our problems by our collective response -- summed up
> beautifully on this very mailing list a while back thusly:
> If you give people the means to hurt you, and they do it, and
> you take no action except to continue giving them the means to
> hurt you, and they take no action except to keep hurting you,
> then one of the ways you can describe the situation is "it isn't
> scaling well".
> --- Paul Vixie on NANOG
> We need to hold ourselves accountable for the security problems in
> our own operations, and then we need to hold each other accountable.
> This is very different from our strategy to date -- which, I submit,
> has thoroughly proven itself to be a colossal failure.

One of the things I like about this list is that it consists of people
and organizations who DO hold themselves accountable. But as long as
it's not the collective will of the Internet to operate securely, not
much will change.

Randy Bush
2008-04-14 06:31:36 UTC
> if we got rid of or incapacitated the massive botnets that would be a
> trickle, manageable, and hardly be worth fussing about, particularly
> on an operational list.

this presumes non-inventive spammers, which i fear is not the case. but
it sure would be a good place to start :)

Joe Greco
2008-04-14 01:43:30 UTC
> Massive quoting gets old fast so I'll try to summarize and if I
> misrepresent your POV in any way my profuse apologies in advance.
> First and foremost let me say that if we had a vote here tomorrow on
> the spam problem I suspect you'd win but that's because most people,
> even (especially) people who believe themselves to be technically
> knowledgeable, hold a lot of misconceptions about spam. So much for
> democracy.
> I say the core problem in spam are the botnets capable of delivering
> on the order of 100 billion msgs/day.
> You say there are other kinds of spammers.
> I'll agree but if we got rid of or incapacitated the massive botnets
> that would be a trickle, manageable, and hardly be worth fussing
> about, particularly on an operational list.

That's not quite true. The spam problem predates the massive botnets.
Massive botnets are rather a recent thing.

*A* core problem *for engineering purposes* is that botnets are capable of
delivering an essentially unlimited flood of source material for our mail
systems. This is a primary target for anti-spam efforts at the major
ISP's, and certainly many of them have a lot of experience in trying to
stem this highly effective and nonstop DDoS attack on the e-mail system.
I do not believe that anyone seriously disagrees with that.

However, the average user has different problems.

First off, let me state this as a prerequisite for any further discussion.

E-mail has to be perceived, by the users, as a beneficial tool, one that
they can rely on for the things that they choose to do. If you disagree
with this, then any further discussion is meaningless, because we do not
share a common view of what the e-mail system needs to be. You would not
be the only person to perceive e-mail in a different manner, if you did.
To be sure, there are people who perceive it as something that is trivial,
in the class of IM or IRC protocols, for example. I view it as something
I'd like to work at least as reliably as the US Post.

So, here are some additional problems. These are not botnet problems, but
rather user problems with the e-mail system.

Users cannot reliably receive e-mail that they have asked to receive. For
example, receiving receipts from a vendor.

Users cannot be assured that the e-mail that they've received is from the
sender that it appears to be.

Users cannot know if the mail that they've sent has been received by the
dodgy freemail hoster that their friend is on.

Users cannot withdraw permission to send from an abusive sender. They are
finding their address shared with others, or are unable to unsub, or

These are all significant problems with the current e-mail implementation.
They do not represent DDoS-class problems. However, they do represent a
massive set of problems that are driving users away from e-mail. If it is
allowed to continue, our FUSSP can be to simply block all port 25, as SMTP
will become irrelevant. Yes, that's a bit dramatic, but it's also the way
things are headed.

> The reason is that without the botnets the spammers don't have address
> mobility. You could just block their servers.

That's demonstrably false, and displays a gross ignorance of both
historical and current spammer modes of operation. It is exceedingly
common for hosting providers to receive requests from clients to be
allocated many noncontiguous IP addresses out of a number of /24's, and
these requests are honored by many of the seedier providers. This has
been the case for years. Some of them even attempt to justify it by
claiming that they need it for purposes of affecting Google advertising
(for example). See
to learn more about snowshoe spamming, and related techniques.

> But if we don't agree on those points then we're talking past each
> other.

We don't agree on some of them, that's for sure.

> I assert that the problem are the massive O(100B) botnet spammers and
> they simply don't have the resources or interest really (because they
> don't have the resources or business model) to do things like analyze
> return codes etc as you describe.

That's _a_ problem, but it is hardly the only problem pressing in on the
e-mail system. Were this the only problem, it would be easiest to solve
it by whitelisting legitimate senders, probably in combination with some
variation of the Spamhaus PBL system, and winding up with a restrictive
version of SMTP that requires you to somehow be authorized to send e-mail.
Variations on this have been less than completely successful. It is a
monumental undertaking, but it /could/ be done. It wouldn't solve the
problem, however.

> So it's doubtful to me that returning more meaningful return codes in
> SMTP rejections would be of much use to them.

Of course not - to them.

> It's also not of much use to them, as I previously described, even if
> they tried. They could deduce about the same information for about the
> same "price" without the return codes.

Again - to them.

But they're hardly the only class of spammers. I realize it's convenient
to ignore that fact for the purposes of this discussion, since it supports
your argument while ignoring the fact that other spammers would mine a
lot of useful information out of such messages.

> But any such return codes should be voluntary,

And they are. To the best of my knowledge, you can put pretty much any
crud you like after the "### ", and if anybody wanted to return this data,
they would be doing it today.

> particularly the
> details, and a receiving MTA should be free to respond with as much or
> as little information as they are comfortable with right down to the
> big red button, "421 it just ain't happenin' bub!"
> But it was just an example of how perhaps some standards, particularly
> regarding mail rejection, might help operationally. I'm not pushing
> the particular example I gave of extending status codes.
> Also, again I can't claim to know what you're working on, but there
> are quite a few "disposable" address systems in production which use
> various variations such as one per sender, one per message, change it
> only when you want to, etc. But maybe you have something better, I
> encourage you to pursue your vision.

No. The difference to my solution is simply that it solves all the
problems I outlined when I wanted to solve the problem I started with -
finding a clean way to be able to exempt senders from anti-spam checks
that they frequently fell afoul of.

But then again, I am merely saying that there are solutions capable, but
that they all seem to require some paradigm shift.

> And, finally, one quote:
> >I didn't say I had a design. Certainly there are solutions to the
> >problem, but any solution I'm aware of involves paradigm changes of
> >some sort, changes that apparently few are willing to make.
> Gosh if you know of any FUSSP* whose only problem is that it requires
> everyone on the internet to abandon SMTP entirely or similar by all
> means share it.

That was kind of the nifty part to my solution: it didn't require any
changes at any sender's site. By accepting some tradeoffs, I was able
to compartmentalize all the permission issues as functions controlled by
the receiving site.

> Unfortunately this is a common hand-wave, "oh we could get rid of spam
> overnight but it would require changes to (SMTP, usually) which would
> take a decade or more to implement, if at all!"
> Well, since it's already BEEN a decade or more that we've all been
> fussing about spam in a big way maybe we should have listened to
> people with a secret plan to end the war back in 1998. So I'm here to
> tell ya I'll listen to it now and I suspect so will a lot of others.

If we cannot have a flag day for the e-mail system, and obviously, duh,
we cannot have a flag day for the e-mail system, we have to look at other

That's too big a paradigm shift.

My solution is a comprehensive solution to the permission problem, which is
a root issue in the fight against spam, but it is based on a paradigm shift
that ISP's are unwilling to underwrite - dealing with per-correspondent
addresses. This has challenges associated with it, primarily related to
educating users how to use it, and then getting users to commit to actually
doing so.

That's not TOO big a paradigm shift, since it's completely backwards-
compatible and managed at the receiving site without any support required
anywhere else in the e-mail system, but since service providers aren't
interested in it, it is a non-starter. Were it interesting, it wouldn't
be that tough to support relatively transparently via plugins into modern
browsers such as Firefox and Thunderbird. But it is a LARGE paradigm
shift, and it doesn't even solve every problem with the e-mail system.

I am unconvinced that there aren't smaller potential paradigm shifts that
could be made. However...

It is exceedingly clear to me that service providers prefer to treat the
spam problem in a statistical manner. It offers fairly good results (if
you consider ~90%-99% accuracy to be acceptable) but doesn't actually do
anything for users who need e-mail that they can actually rely on. It's
cheap (relatively speaking) and the support costs can be made to be cheap.

> * FUSSP - Final and Ultimate Solution to the Spam Problem.

Shoot all the spammers? :-)

... JG
Joe Greco - sol.net Network Services - Milwaukee, WI - http://www.sol.net
"We call it the 'one bite at the apple' rule. Give me one chance [and] then I
won't contact you again." - Direct Marketing Ass'n position on e-mail spam(CNN)
With 24 million small businesses in the US alone, that's way too many apples.
Adrian Chadd
2008-04-14 02:18:40 UTC
On Sun, Apr 13, 2008, Joe Greco wrote:

> browsers such as Firefox and Thunderbird. But it is a LARGE paradigm
> shift, and it doesn't even solve every problem with the e-mail system.
> I am unconvinced that there aren't smaller potential paradigm shifts that
> could be made. However...

There already has been a paradigm shift. University students ("college" for you
'merkins) use facebook, myspace (less now, thankfully!) and IMs as their
primary online communication method. A number of students at my university
use email purely because the university uses it for internal systems
and communication, and use the above for everything else.

I think you'll find that "we" are the paradigm shift that needs to happen.
The younger people have already moved on. :)

Edward B. DREGER
2008-04-14 02:39:28 UTC
AC> Date: Mon, 14 Apr 2008 10:18:40 +0800
AC> From: Adrian Chadd

AC> There already has been a paradigm shift. University students
AC> ("college" for you 'merkins) use facebook, myspace (less now,
AC> thankfully!) and IMs as their primary online communication method.

IOW: "Must establish trust OOB before communication is allowed."

Deny-by-default is not a panacea, to be sure.

Accept-by-default? Seemingly the greater of the evils.

Providers and end-users alike both are using ad-hoc methods to deal with
spam as best they can. United we stand, divided we fall, yadda yadda.

Here's a thought:

Google has massive resources. Their searches deal extensively with
graph theory, traversal, et cetera. Is it any wonder that they launched
Orkut? And why Gmail required an "invite" for so long? Ever consider
that a Gmail username found reading a Blogspot blog might be considered
a sign of similar interest, perhaps even trust?

It takes neither a rocket scientist nor a conspiracy theorist to
conclude that Google is working on the "trust network" problem
internally. Others probably are as well; I merely chose a high-profile

I'll say it again: Providers would be well-served to create _some_ form
of trust metric and data exchange.

If anyone is interested in cooperating with data formats, source code,
other efforts, kooky ideas, or insults, please ping me off-list. It
might not lead to anything useful or of critical mass, but it has a
better chance than endless regurgitation of (S^2)(D^2) on NANOG-L.

Everquick Internet - http://www.everquick.net/
A division of Brotsman & Dreger, Inc. - http://www.brotsman.com/
Bandwidth, consulting, e-commerce, hosting, and network building
Phone: +1 785 865 5885 Lawrence and [inter]national
Phone: +1 316 794 8922 Wichita
DO NOT send mail to the following addresses:
***@brics.com -*- ***@intc.net -*- ***@everquick.net
Sending mail to spambait addresses is a great way to get blocked.
Ditto for broken OOO autoresponders and foolish AV software backscatter.
Simon Lyall
2008-04-14 02:47:12 UTC
On Mon, 14 Apr 2008, Adrian Chadd wrote:
> There already has been a paradigm shift. University students ("college" for you
> 'merkins) use facebook, myspace (less now, thankfully!) and IMs as their
> primary online communication method. A number of students at my university
> use email purely because the university uses it for internal systems
> and communication, and use the above for everything else.

That is not anything new. ICQ is 10 years old and IRC was common in the
early 90s. I would guess plenty of people on this list use (and used back
then) both to talk to their friends and team mates.

The question is what tool are people going to use to talk to people,
government bodies and companies that they are not "friends" with? Even if
the person you want to contact is on IM it is likely they will block
messages from random people due to the existing Spam problem there.

Simon J. Lyall | Very Busy | Web: http://www.darkmere.gen.nz/
"To stay awake all night adds a day to your life" - Stilgar | eMT.
Edward B. DREGER
2008-04-14 03:03:54 UTC
SL> Date: Mon, 14 Apr 2008 14:47:12 +1200 (NZST)
SL> From: Simon Lyall

SL> The question is what tool are people going to use to talk to people,
SL> government bodies and companies that they are not "friends" with?
SL> Even if the person you want to contact is on IM it is likely they
SL> will block messages from random people due to the existing Spam
SL> problem there.

Hence the need for semi-transitive trust.

What tool do people use to exchange packets with networks with which
they are not peers?

We've already solved some of the same underlying principles. Red car,
blue car; both are built the same.

Everquick Internet - http://www.everquick.net/
A division of Brotsman & Dreger, Inc. - http://www.brotsman.com/
Bandwidth, consulting, e-commerce, hosting, and network building
Phone: +1 785 865 5885 Lawrence and [inter]national
Phone: +1 316 794 8922 Wichita
DO NOT send mail to the following addresses:
***@brics.com -*- ***@intc.net -*- ***@everquick.net
Sending mail to spambait addresses is a great way to get blocked.
Ditto for broken OOO autoresponders and foolish AV software backscatter.
Adrian Chadd
2008-04-14 03:35:47 UTC
On Mon, Apr 14, 2008, Simon Lyall wrote:

> That is not anything new. ICQ is 10 years old and IRC was common in the
> early 90s. I would guess plenty of people on this list use (and used back
> then) both to talk to their friends and team mates.

There's a difference here. In the 90's we used IRC and email.
Today people use IM applications and web forums/website IMs.
There are students which use almost no email outside of communicating
to the university, to the point where they never check their university
email. :) In fact, the students complain that they're receiving craploads
of email from the university and related groups for stuff they don't
want - a microcosm of spam on one campus. :)

Joe Greco
2008-04-14 02:18:52 UTC
> On Sun, Apr 13, 2008, Joe Greco wrote:
> > browsers such as Firefox and Thunderbird. But it is a LARGE paradigm
> > shift, and it doesn't even solve every problem with the e-mail system.
> >
> > I am unconvinced that there aren't smaller potential paradigm shifts that
> > could be made. However...
> There already has been a paradigm shift. University students ("college" for you
> 'merkins) use facebook, myspace (less now, thankfully!) and IMs as their
> primary online communication method. A number of students at my university
> use email purely because the university uses it for internal systems
> and communication, and use the above for everything else.
> I think you'll find that "we" are the paradigm shift that needs to happen.
> The younger people have already moved on. :)

I believe this is functionally equivalent to the "block 25 and consider

It's worth noting that each "newer" system is being systematically attacked
as well. It isn't really a solution, it's just changing problem platforms.
The abuse remains.

... JG
Joe Greco - sol.net Network Services - Milwaukee, WI - http://www.sol.net
"We call it the 'one bite at the apple' rule. Give me one chance [and] then I
won't contact you again." - Direct Marketing Ass'n position on e-mail spam(CNN)
With 24 million small businesses in the US alone, that's way too many apples.
Adrian Chadd
2008-04-14 03:38:50 UTC
On Sun, Apr 13, 2008, Joe Greco wrote:

> I believe this is functionally equivalent to the "block 25 and consider
> SMTP dead" FUSSP.
> It's worth noting that each "newer" system is being systematically attacked
> as well. It isn't really a solution, it's just changing problem platforms.
> The abuse remains.

Yes, but the ownership of the problem is better defined for messages -inside-
a system.

If you've got tens of millions of users on your IM service, you can start
using statistical techniques on your data to identify likely spam/ham,
and (very importantly) you are able to cut individual users off if they're
doing something nasty. Users can't "fake" their identity like they can
with email. There's no requirement for "broadcasting" messages a la email
lists (which btw is touted as one of those "things that break" when various
anti-spam verify-sender proposals come up.)

Besides - google has a large enough cross section of users' email to do
these tricks. I'd love to be a fly on the wall at google for just this
reason ..

Joe Greco
2008-04-14 04:06:33 UTC
> On Sun, Apr 13, 2008, Joe Greco wrote:
> > I believe this is functionally equivalent to the "block 25 and consider
> > SMTP dead" FUSSP.
> >
> > It's worth noting that each "newer" system is being systematically attacked
> > as well. It isn't really a solution, it's just changing problem platforms.
> > The abuse remains.
> Yes, but the ownership of the problem is better defined for messages -inside-
> a system.
> If you've got tens of millions of users on your IM service, you can start
> using statistical techniques on your data to identify likely spam/ham,
> and (very importantly) you are able to cut individual users off if they're
> doing something nasty. Users can't "fake" their identity like they can
> with email. There's no requirement for "broadcasting" messages a la email
> lists (which btw is touted as one of those "things that break" when various
> anti-spam verify-sender proposals come up.)
> Besides - google has a large enough cross section of users' email to do
> these tricks. I'd love to be a fly on the wall at google for just this
> reason ..

Few of these systems have actually been demonstrated to be invulnerable
to abuse. As a matter of fact, I just saw someone from LinkedIn asking
about techniques for mitigating abuse. When it's relatively cheap (think:
economically attractive in excessively poor countries with high
unemployment) to hire human labor, or even to engineer CAPTCHA evasion
systems where you have one of these wonderful billion-node-botnets
available, it becomes feasible to get your message out. Statistically,
there will be some holes. You only need a very small success rate.

The relative anonymity offered by e-mail is a problem, yes, but it is only
one challenge to the e-mail architecture. For example, given a realistic
way to revoke permission to mail, having an anonymous party send you a
message (or even millions of messages) wouldn't be a problem, because you
could stop the flow whenever you wanted. The problem is that there isn't
a commonly available way to revoke permission to mail.

I've posted items in places where e-mail addresses are likely to be
scraped or otherwise picked up and later spammed. What amazed me was
how cool it was that I could actually post a usable e-mail address and
receive comments from random people, and then when the spam began to
roll in, I could simply turn off the address, and it doesn't even hit
the mailservers. That's the power of being able to revoke permission.
The cost? A DNS query and answer anytime some spammer tries to send
to that address. But a DNS query was happening anyways...

The solution I've implemented here, then, has the interesting quality
of moving ownership of the problem of permission within our systems,
without also requiring that all correspondents use our local messaging
systems (bboard, private messaging, whatever) or having to do ANY work
to figure out what's spam vs ham, etc. That's my ultimate reply to
your message, by the way.

Since it is clear that many other networks have no interest in stemming
the flood of trash coming from their operations, and clearly they're
not going to be interested in permission schemes that require their
involvement, I'd say that solutions that do not rely on other networks
cooperating to solve the problem bear the best chance of dealing with
the problem.

... JG
Joe Greco - sol.net Network Services - Milwaukee, WI - http://www.sol.net
"We call it the 'one bite at the apple' rule. Give me one chance [and] then I
won't contact you again." - Direct Marketing Ass'n position on e-mail spam(CNN)
With 24 million small businesses in the US alone, that's way too many apples.
Joe Greco
2008-04-14 14:02:52 UTC
> > You want to define standards? Let's define some standard for
> > establishing permission to mail. If we could solve the
> > permission problem, then the filtering wouldn't be such a
> > problem, because there wouldn't need to be as much (or maybe
> > even any). As a user, I want a way to unambiguously allow a
> > specific sender to send me things, "spam" filtering be
> > damned. I also want a way to retract that permission, and
> > have the mail flow from that sender (or any of their
> > "affiliates") to stop.
> >
> > Right now I've got a solution that allows me to do that, but
> > it requires a significant paradigm change, away from
> > single-e-mail-address.
> In general, your "permission to send" idea is a good one to
> put in the requirements list for a standard email architecture.
> But your particular solution stinks because it simply adds
> another bandage to a creaky old email architecture that is
> long past its sell-by date.

Yes. I'm well aware of that. My requirements list included that my
solution be able to actually /fix/ something with /today's/ architecture;
this is a practical implementation to solve a real problem, which was
that I was tired of vendor mail being confused for spam.

So, yes, it stinks when compared to the concept of a shiny new mail
architecture. However, it currently works and is successfully whitelisting
the things I intended. I just received a message from a tool battery
distributor that some batteries I ordered months ago are finally shipping.
It was crappy HTML, and I would normally have completely missed it -
probably even forgetting that we had ordered them, certainly not
recognizing the "From" line it came from. It's a success story. Rare.

You are welcome to scoff at it as being a stinky bandaid on a creaky mail

> IMHO, the only way that Internet email can be cleaned up is
> to create an entirely new email architecture using an entirely
> new set of protcols with entirely new port assignments and
> no attempt whatsoever to maintain reverse compatibility with
> the existing architecture. That is a fair piece of work and
> requires a lot of people to get their heads out of the box
> and apply some creativity. Many will say that the effort is
> doomed before it starts because it is not compatible with
> what went before. I don't buy that argument at all.
> In any case, a new architecture won't come about until we have
> some clarity of the requirements of the new architecture. And
> that probably has to be hashed out somewhere else, not on any
> existing mailing list.

If such a discussion does come about, I want people to understand that
user-controlled permission is a much better fix than arbitrary spam
filtering steps. There's a lot of inertia in the traditional spam
filtering advice, and a certain amount of resistance to considering
that the status quo does not represent e-mail nirvana.

Think of it as making that "unsubscribe" at the bottom of any marketing
e-mail actually work, without argument, without risk.

... JG
Joe Greco - sol.net Network Services - Milwaukee, WI - http://www.sol.net
"We call it the 'one bite at the apple' rule. Give me one chance [and] then I
won't contact you again." - Direct Marketing Ass'n position on e-mail spam(CNN)
With 24 million small businesses in the US alone, that's way too many apples.
Andrew Matthews
2008-04-14 15:14:53 UTC
On Thu, Apr 10, 2008 at 10:30 AM, Barry Shein <***@world.std.com> wrote:
> 421 4.7.0 [TS01] Messages from MAILSERVERIP temporarily deferred due to user complaints -; see http://postmaster.yahoo.com/421-ts01.html
> (where MAILSERVERIP is one of our mail server ip addresses)

Domainkeys solved my problem. I had the exact same thing happen,
sometimes it wouldn't even make it to the box. Setup domain keys, and
my problem went away.