(too old to reply)
Patrick W. Gilmore
2008-04-18 20:11:33 UTC
WARNING!!! (from chopin.merit.edu)
The following message attachments were flagged by the antivirus
Attachment [2.2] Video_part.mim, virus infected: W32/Parite-B.
Action taken: deleted
VIRUS WARNING Message (from chopin.merit.edu)
The virus W32/Parite-B was detected in email attachment [2.2]
Video_part.mim. The infected attachment has been deleted.
Impressive. I didn't know the new server had a virus scanner on it.
Perhaps we should just delete these instead of forwarding them to the

I'm also impressed that Sean moved to India:

Received: from ibm-ii (121.247.233-225.kol-bb-dynamic.vsnl.net.in
[] (may be forged)) by chopin.merit.edu (MOS 3.8.2-GA)
with SMTP id AQD07945; Fri, 18 Apr 2008 16:08:32 -0400 (EDT)

Edward A. Trdina III
2008-04-18 20:17:40 UTC
The viruses, or the virus emails?

-----Original Message-----
From: Patrick W. Gilmore [mailto:***@ianai.net]
Sent: Friday, April 18, 2008 4:12 PM
To: ***@merit.edu
Subject: Re: [Nanog] Fwd: Photo
WARNING!!! (from chopin.merit.edu)
The following message attachments were flagged by the antivirus
Attachment [2.2] Video_part.mim, virus infected: W32/Parite-B.
Action taken: deleted
VIRUS WARNING Message (from chopin.merit.edu)
The virus W32/Parite-B was detected in email attachment [2.2]
Video_part.mim. The infected attachment has been deleted.
Impressive. I didn't know the new server had a virus scanner on it.
Perhaps we should just delete these instead of forwarding them to the list?

I'm also impressed that Sean moved to India:

Received: from ibm-ii (121.247.233-225.kol-bb-dynamic.vsnl.net.in
[] (may be forged)) by chopin.merit.edu (MOS 3.8.2-GA)
with SMTP id AQD07945; Fri, 18 Apr 2008 16:08:32 -0400 (EDT)


2008-04-18 20:31:11 UTC
I was wondering what was going on myself. I've been a member of the list for
years now (non-posting) and this afternoon I get a notice that I've subscribed
to NANOG followed by two quick virus notices - and my list settings had been
dumped too.

Any ideas?
God grant me the senility to forget the people that I never
liked anyway, the good fortune to run into the ones that I do,
and the eyesight to tell the difference.
John Moser
2008-04-18 20:49:10 UTC
Post by Megaera
I was wondering what was going on myself. I've been a member of the list for
years now (non-posting) and this afternoon I get a notice that I've subscribed
to NANOG followed by two quick virus notices - and my list settings had been
dumped too.
Any ideas?

See the message from Betty Burke from Thursday April 17th. New server,
new list. I'm guessing the virus notifications were accidentally missed
during the migration.

Jacob Appelbaum
2008-04-18 20:51:59 UTC
Post by Megaera
I was wondering what was going on myself. I've been a member of the list for
years now (non-posting) and this afternoon I get a notice that I've subscribed
to NANOG followed by two quick virus notices - and my list settings had been
dumped too.
This has happened to me as well. I was a digest subscriber and now I'm
getting each message. Did someone tamper with the settings or was there
an administrative mistake?

Patrick W. Gilmore
2008-04-18 21:33:56 UTC
Despite the chatter, I think we should all congratulate Merit on a
very smooth and orderly transition to the new server.

No, it was not perfect, but given all the possible outcomes, we are
definitely in the top quartile.

IMHO, of course.
Alex Pilosov
2008-04-18 20:48:46 UTC
Post by Megaera
I was wondering what was going on myself. I've been a member of the list
for years now (non-posting) and this afternoon I get a notice that I've
subscribed to NANOG followed by two quick virus notices - and my list
settings had been dumped too.
Yes, there was an email prior regarding list transition from Majordomo to

If you missed the email, it is here:


Sorry about virus notices. Merit needs to change mailman (or MTA) settings
to drop virus-infected emails instead of stripping/bouncing/whatever.

If you'd like to discuss mailing list operations, you should do it on
nanog-***@nanog.org, not here.


-alex [MLC chair]
Gregory Hicks
2008-04-18 21:27:53 UTC
Date: Fri, 18 Apr 2008 13:51:59 -0700
Subject: Re: [Nanog] [OT] Fwd: Photo
Post by Megaera
I was wondering what was going on myself. I've been a member of the list for
years now (non-posting) and this afternoon I get a notice that I've
Post by Megaera
to NANOG followed by two quick virus notices - and my list settings had been
dumped too.
This has happened to me as well. I was a digest subscriber and now I'm
getting each message. Did someone tamper with the settings or was there
an administrative mistake?
I don't have the message, but, a few days ago, there was a message from
Betty that basically said that the list was moving and that we would
have to recreate any individual settings... And that would be a good
time to set a password.

Gregory Hicks
NANOG mailing list
Gregory Hicks | Principal Systems Engineer
Cadence Design Systems | Direct: 408.576.3609
2655 Seely Ave M/S 9A1
San Jose, CA 95134

I am perfectly capable of learning from my mistakes. I will surely
learn a great deal today.

"A democracy is a sheep and two wolves deciding on what to have for
lunch. Freedom is a well armed sheep contesting the results of the

"The best we can hope for concerning the people at large is that they
be properly armed." --Alexander Hamilton